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Showing entries 1501-1600 out of 16776.
Library to configure Python logging easily
Generate images from a text prompt
Django ASGI (HTTP/WebSocket) server
A dual active-set algorithm for convex quadratic programming
Detect OS Dark Mode from Python
DBus library in Python3
Python framework for building analytical web applications
A dash component starter pack
HTML components for Dash
A First-Class Interactive DataTable for Dash
Renderer for the Dash framework
Terminal dashboards for Python
Minimal task scheduling abstraction
Native Dask collection for awkward arrays, and the library to use it
A client library for interacting with a dask-gateway server
A multi-tenant server for securely deploying and managing multiple Dask clusters
Generalized Linear Models with Dask
Histograms with task scheduling
Distributed image processing
Deploy Dask on job schedulers like PBS, SLURM, and SGE
Scalable Machine Learn with Dask
Deploy Dask using mpi4py
Deploy dask on YARN clusters
Async database support for Python
Command line interface for Databricks
Client for connecting to remote Databricks clusters
Databricks SQL Connector for Python
Modern way to convert python dataclasses or other objects to and from more common types like dicts…
A set of simple, yet elegant wizarding tools for interacting with the Python dataclasses module
Simple API for encoding and decoding dataclasses to and from JSON
Serialize/deserialize Python dataclasses to various other data formats
Library to provide human-readable diffs of Python data structures
The Datadog Python library
Extensible query execution framework
Class allowing for data models equivalently represented as Python dictionaries, JSON, and XML
Python interface to the Met Office's Datapoint API
Data utilities for Machine Learning pipelines
Library for extracting properties from data
Toolkit for Python-based database access
Open-access datasets and evaluation metrics for natural language processing
Multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
Datasette plugin for publishing data using Fly
Datasette plugin for executing SQL queries from templates
Data visualization toolchain based on aggregating into a grid
A data description language
Data.table for Python
Data URI manipulation made easy
Extract datetime objects from strings
Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages
DateTime data type, as known from Zope
Utilities for working with datetime objects
Super-fast, efficiently stored Trie for Python
Pure Python reader for DAWGs created by dawgdic C++ library or DAWG Python extension
High-level Ledger API client for Daml ledgers
Pandas Data Types for SQL systems (BigQuery, Spanner)
Module for reading/writing dBase, FoxPro, and Visual FoxPro .dbf files
Read DBF Files with Python
Plugin enabling dbt to operate on a BigQuery database
Enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software…
A tool that processes the most common jinja value templates in dbt model files
Plugin enabling dbt to work with a Postgres database
Plugin enabling dbt to work with Amazon Redshift
Shared interfaces used by dbt-core and MetricFlow projects
Plugin enabling dbt to work with Snowflake
A Python Library for Generating D-Bus Client Code
A project for parsing D-Bus introspection XML and processing it in various ways
Faster version of dbus-next
A zero-dependency DBus library for Python with asyncio support
Python DBus bindings
A Python library for generating dbus-python client code
A Parser for a D-Bus Signature
Database connections for multi-threaded environments
DICOM to Nifti conversion preserving metadata
Fast discrete cosine transforms for pytorch
Data-Driven/Decorated Tests, a library to multiply test cases
Library for design by contract (DbC) and checking values, exceptions, and side-effects
Z3-powered solver (theorem prover) for deal
A novel evolutionary computation framework for rapid prototyping and testing of ideas
Utilities to parse Debian package, copyright and control files
A collection of Python deprecation patterns and strategies that help you collect your technical de…
A simple library and cli-tool to help you solve some debts settlement scenarios
Module for post-mortem debugging of Python programs
An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
Minimal, easy to use, declarative command line interface tool
Python helper for decorators
Better living through Python with decorators
Deebot client library
Deezer downloader built from the ashes of Deezloader Remix
A recursive subclass of ChainMap
Python tool to translate between different languages by using multiple translators
Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data
Flexible HDF5 saving/loading and other data science tools from the University of Chicago
A language translation API that allows other computer programs to send texts and documents to Deep…
A toolset to deeply merge python dictionaries
Helper library for deeptools
Wave propagation modules for PyTorch
A wrapper for all Deezer's APIs
Python wrapper around the Deezer API
Module to defang and refang malicious URLs