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Showing entries 16701-16776 out of 16776.
ropgadgetNix package
Tool to search for gadgets in binaries to facilitate ROP exploitation
rst2pdfNix package
Convert reStructured Text to PDF via ReportLab
rstcheckNix package
Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it
s3-credentialsNix package
Python CLI utility for creating credentials for accessing S3 buckets
safetyNix package
Checks installed dependencies for known vulnerabilities
scourNix package
An SVG Optimizer / Cleaner
sdkmanagerNix package
A drop-in replacement for sdkmanager from the Android SDK written in Python
segyiopython311PackagesNix package
Fast Python library for SEGY files
segyiopython312PackagesNix package
Fast Python library for SEGY files
seqdiagNix package
Generate sequence-diagram image from spec-text file (similar to Graphviz)
shaperglotNix package
Tool to test OpenType fonts for language support
shiboken2python311PackagesNix package
Generator for the PySide2 Qt bindings
shiboken2python312PackagesNix package
Generator for the PySide2 Qt bindings
shiboken6python311PackagesNix package
Generator for the pyside6 Qt bindings
shiboken6python312PackagesNix package
Generator for the pyside6 Qt bindings
shivNix package
Command line utility for building fully self contained Python zipapps
slither-analyzerNix package
Static Analyzer for Solidity
snscrapeNix package
A social networking service scraper
socialscanNix package
Python library and CLI for accurately querying username and email usage on online platforms
solc-selectNix package
Manage and switch between Solidity compiler versions
speedtest-cliNix package
Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
sphinxNix package
Python documentation generator
sphinx-autobuildNix package
Rebuild Sphinx documentation on changes, with live-reload in the browser
sphinx-serveNix package
Spawns a simple HTTP server to preview your sphinx documents
spyderNix package
Scientific python development environment
sqlite-utilsNix package
Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases
sqlmapNix package
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
staticjinjaNix package
A library and cli tool that makes it easy to build static sites using Jinja2
stm32loaderNix package
Flash firmware to STM32 microcontrollers in Python
streamlitNix package
The fastest way to build custom ML tools
subzerodNix package
Python module to help with the enumeration of subdomains
svg2tikzNix package
Set of tools for converting SVG graphics to TikZ/PGF code
tabviewNix package
Python curses command line CSV and tabular data viewer
taxiNix package
Timesheeting made easy
tensorflowlibtensorflowNix package
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
tensorflowlibtensorflow-binNix package
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
timetaggerNix package
Library to interact with TimeTagger
translatepyNix package
A module grouping multiple translation APIs
trezorNix package
Python library for communicating with Trezor Hardware Wallet
trezor-agenttrezor-agentNix package
Using Trezor as hardware SSH agent
trezor-agenttrezor_agentNix package
Using Trezor as hardware SSH agent
trytondNix package
The server of the Tryton application platform
ttpNix package
Template Text Parser
twineNix package
Collection of utilities for interacting with PyPI
ueberzugNix package
An alternative for w3mimgdisplay
ufmtNix package
Safe, atomic formatting with black and usort
ufolintNix package
Linter for Unified Font Object (UFO) source code
unifyNix package
Modifies strings to all use the same quote where possible
unrpaNix package
A program to extract files from the RPA archive format
update-dotdeeNix package
Generic modularized configuration file manager
usortNix package
Safe, minimal import sorting for Python projects
validphys2Nix package
NNPDF analysis framework
vcardNix package
VCard validator, class and utility functions
vdirsyncervdirsyncerNix package
Synchronize calendars and contacts
vdirsyncervdirsyncerStableNix package
Synchronize calendars and contacts
virtualenvNix package
A tool to create isolated Python environments
virtualenv-cloneNix package
Script to clone virtualenvs
vivisectNix package
Python disassembler, debugger, emulator, and static analysis framework
vncdoNix package
A command line VNC client and Python library
vprofNix package
Visual profiler for Python
websshNix package
Web based SSH client
wfuzzNix package
Web content fuzzer to facilitate web applications assessments
whisperNix package
General-purpose speech recognition model
whispersNix package
Tool to identify hardcoded secrets in static structured text
xdotNix package
An interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot
xkcdpassNix package
Generate secure multiword passwords/passphrases, inspired by XKCD
xlsx2csvNix package
Convert xlsx to csv
xml2rfcNix package
Tool generating IETF RFCs and drafts from XML sources
xtensor-pythonpython311PackagesNix package
Python bindings for the xtensor C++ multi-dimensional array library
xtensor-pythonpython312PackagesNix package
Python bindings for the xtensor C++ multi-dimensional array library
yamaleNix package
A schema and validator for YAML
yamlfixNix package
Python YAML formatter that keeps your comments
yamllintNix package
A linter for YAML files
yapfNix package
Yet Another Python Formatter
ydiffNix package
View colored, incremental diff in workspace or from stdin with side by side and auto pager support…
yqNix package
Command-line YAML/XML/TOML processor - jq wrapper for YAML, XML, TOML documents