Showing entries 17201-17300 out of 17898.
Type annotations for aiobotocore transfer
Type annotations for aiobotocore translate
Type annotations for aiobotocore verifiedpermissions
Type annotations for aiobotocore voice-id
Type annotations for aiobotocore vpc-lattice
Type annotations for aiobotocore waf
Type annotations for aiobotocore waf-regional
Type annotations for aiobotocore wafv2
Type annotations for aiobotocore wellarchitected
Type annotations for aiobotocore wisdom
Type annotations for aiobotocore workdocs
Type annotations for aiobotocore worklink
Type annotations for aiobotocore workmail
Type annotations for aiobotocore workmailmessageflow
Type annotations for aiobotocore workspaces
Type annotations for aiobotocore workspaces-web
Type annotations for aiobotocore xray
This is a PEP 561 type stub package for the appdirs package
Type annotations and code completion for awscrt
Typing stubs for beautifulsoup4
Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types
Typing stubs for colorama
Typing stubs for dataclasses
Typing stubs for python-dateutil
Typing stubs for decorator
Typing stubs for Deprecated
Typing stubs for docopt
Typing stubs for docutils
Typing stubs for enum34
Typing stubs for freezegun
Typing stubs for futures
Typing stubs for html5lib
Typing stubs for ipaddress
Complete lxml external type annotation
Typing stubs for Markdown
Type stub package for the mock package
Typing stubs for Pillow
Typing stubs for protobuf
Typing stubs for psutil
Typing stubs for psycopg2
Typing stubs for pyopenssl
Typing stubs for python-dateutil
Typing stubs for pytz
Typing stubs for PyYAML
Typing stubs for redis
Typing stubs for requests
Typing stubs for retry
Type annotations and code completion for s3transfer
Typing stubs for setuptools
Typing stubs for tabulate
Typing stubs for toml
Typing stubs for tqdm
Typing stubs for typed-ast
Typing stubs for ujson
Typing stubs for urllib3
Python 2.7 & 3.5+ runtime type-checker
Retrieve information from typeshed and other typing stubs
Type system library for Python
Python library for runtime analysis, inference and validation of Python types
Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python
Runtime inspection utilities for Python typing module
Simple library for runtime type-checking
Python module for checking types of objects
Filters to enhance web typography, including support for Django & Jinja templates
Provider of IANA time zone data
Tzinfo object for the local timezone
Portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python
Python implementation of the UA Parser
AMQP 1.0 client library for Python
Universal array library
UART Devices for Linux
Implements API - public wrapper for API that returns info about U…
Python utility library with a stdlib like feel and extra batteries
Micro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py
Python SDK for Cisco UCS
Fast RFC3339 compliant Python date-time library
Python library Rainforest EAGLE devices
Alternative for w3mimgdisplay
Bindings to Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm from TurboParser
Safe, atomic formatting with black and usort
Bridge from UFOs to FontTools objects
Library to deal with UFO font sources
Library to deal with UFO font sources
Linter for Unified Font Object (UFO) source code
Command line utility and Python library that merges two UFO source format fonts into a single file
Script to normalize the XML and other data inside of a UFO
Read, write and generate UFOs with designspace data
Streamlined Cython bindings for the harfbuzz shaping engine
Universal Histogram Interface
Python API for UniFi Protect (Unofficial)
Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder
Python implementation of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen)
UK Postcode parser
Library to create and transform ULIDs
Module for working with data from Landis+Gyr Ultraheat heat meter unit
Date Api that support Hijri Umalqurra calendar
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
Implementation of the Modbus protocol
Project that can transform your asynchronous code into synchronous code
Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved (aka error propagation)