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Showing entries 6901-7000 out of 18611.
Python library to communicate with Tibber
Python wrapper for HTML Tidy (tidylib) on Python 2 and 3
Python interface to TikZ
Python API for Tile Bluetooth trackers
Library to parse various kinds of time expressions
Pytimeparse based project with the aim of optimizing functionality and providing stable support
TLV (tag length lavue) data parser, especially useful for EMV tags parsing
Pythonic framework for threat modeling
Python library to read Tiled Map Editor's TMX maps
Python wrapper for tomlplusplus
Async Python package to access the API
Python tool configuration
Miscellaneous Python lifesavers
Benchmarking tool for torch
Lightweight PyTorch wrapper for machine learning researchers
Metric learning library for PyTorch
Fast and differentiable MS-SSIM and SSIM for pytorch
Supplementary components to accelerate research and development in PyTorch
FAIR's library of reusable components for deep learning with 3D data
A Python API client for Roth's TouchlineSL API
Python library to handle device information from Traccar
Python package to communicate with the IKEA Trådfri ZigBee Gateway
Library to get data from the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) API
Python module to access Transport NSW information
Python module to access Transport NSW information
Pseudo API for Google Trends
Library for fast IP address lookup in Python
Library to interface with V2C EVSE Trydan
Offline text-to-speech synthesis library
Python 3 library for downloading YouTube Videos
Pytube fork with additional features and fixes
Linux TUN/TAP wrapper for Python
Python wrapper of libjpeg-turbo for decoding and encoding JPEG image
Set of tweening / easing functions implemented in Python
World timezone definitions, modern and historical
Shims to make deprecation of pytz easier
Timezone database for Python
U2F host library for interacting with a U2F device over USB
Python implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm
Pure Python libudev binding
Python library for Unbound, the validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
API towards Ubiquity Networks UniFi controller
Unpack archive files in python
Package to update stuff
Tool to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language
Python API wrapper for Uptime Robot
Python USB access module (wraps libusb 1.0)
Giving you a random User-Agent Header
Collection of mature utilities for Python programmers
Python interface for libuv
Python package for writing Value Change Dump (VCD) files
Python library to control devices via the Vera hub
Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL
Python library to communicate with the VersaSense API
Python library to manage Etekcity Devices and Levoit Air Purifier
Python interface to libVEX and VEX IR
Python Library to access Viessmann ViCare API
Python Library to access Viessmann ViCare API
Python wrapper for libvips
Python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc
Python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc
Python package for creating and visualizing interactive network graphs
Python package for support of the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA)
Module that implements the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture
Simulated backend for PyVISA implementing TCPIP, GPIB, RS232, and USB resources
Easier Pythonic interface to VTK
Bidirectional communication for the HoloViz ecosystem
Python client for Vizio SmartCast
Python client to work with Velux units
Python SDK for the VMware vSphere API that allows you to manage ESX, ESXi, and vCenter
Astropy affiliated package for accessing Virtual Observatory data and services
Python module to control Volumio
2D and 3D Voronoi tessellations: a python entry point for the voro++ library
Generate and change colorschemes on the fly
Watchman client for Python
Library to communicate with Waterkotte heatpumps
Python library for importing Wavefront .obj files
Wavelet transform module
Python bindings to wayland using cffi
Module for calculating WAZE routes and travel times
Support for the WBEM standard for systems management
Python module to get data from WeatherFlow Weather Stations
Library to receive UDP Packets from Weatherflow Weatherstations
Python package for cloning complete webpages and websites to local storage
Webpush Data encryption library for Python
Lightweight cross-platform wrapper around a webview
Python module to discover and control WeMo devices
Module for PowerSploit's PowerView support
Python wrapper for wavefront alignment using WFA2-lib
Python MediaWiki bot framework
Python API for WiLight device
Python library for Windows Remote Management
Python connector for WiZ light bulbs
Python bindings to wlroots using cffi
PyWorld is a Python wrapper for WORLD vocoder
Library to interface with WS66i 6-zone amplifier
Python package for the generation of PostScript, PDF, and SVG files
Python extension module which gives access to the extended attributes for filesystem objects avail…
Library to work with XBE files
Contains implementations of standards