Showing entries 7801-7900 out of 18611.
Helpful pytest fixtures for Sphinx extensions
Adds a toggleable dark mode to the Read the Docs theme for Sphinx
Sphinx theme for
Sphinx theme for
Spawns a simple HTTP server to preview your sphinx documents
Sitemap generator for Sphinx
Sphinx extension for creating tabbed content when building HTML
Testing utility classes and functions for Sphinx extensions
Integrate interactive code blocks into your documentation with Thebe and Binder
Toggle page content and collapse admonitions in Sphinx
Sphinx extension to show a warning banner at the top of your documentation
Awesome Sphinx Theme
Sphinx actdiag extension
Sphinx extension for running sphinx-apidoc on each build
Sphinxcontrib-applehelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books
Sphinx extension to add asyncio-specific markups
Bayesian networks and factor graphs in Sphinx using TikZ syntax
Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations
Sphinx blockdiag extension
Confluence builder for sphinx
Sphinxcontrib-devhelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp document
Sphinx ditaa extension
Sphinx excel-table extension
Include a full table of contents in your Sphinx HTML sidebar
Sphinx extension which renders HTML help files
Provides a Sphinx domain for describing RESTful HTTP APIs
Provides a Sphinx domain for describing RESTful HTTP APIs
Sphinx domain for describing jinja templates
Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases
Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases
Sphinxcontrib-jsmath is a sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript
Sphinx extension using KaTeX to render math in HTML
Sphinx extension to organize changelogs
Sphinx extension which renders CMake documentation
Sphinx extension using mscgen to render diagrams
Extension for adding a simple Blog, News or Announcements section to a Sphinx website
Extension for adding a simple Blog, News or Announcements section to a Sphinx website
Sphinx nwdiag extension
OpenAPI (fka Swagger) spec renderer for Sphinx
Provides a Sphinx domain for embedding UML diagram with PlantUML
Provides a Sphinx domain for embedding UML diagram with PlantUML
Sphinx extension to include program output
Sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp document
Sphinx seqdiag extension
Sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs "serialized" HTML files (json an…
Sphinx spelling extension
TikZ extension for Sphinx
Sphinx extension that allows including wavedrom diagrams by using its text-based representation
Sphinx API for Web Apps
Youtube extension for Sphinx
Extension to use emoji codes in your Sphinx documentation
Sphinx extension to generate unique OpenGraph metadata
Unofficial Python wrapper for the Spider API
Python bindings for Linux SPI access through spidev
Spinners for the Terminal
Browser abstraction for web acceptance testing
The Splunk Enterprise Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python
Module for interacting with for Spotify
Library for the Spotify Web API
NXP Secure Provisioning SDK
Python module to run commands and manipulate files locally or over SSH
Scientific python development environment
Jupyter kernels for Spyder's console
Pure Python spell-checker, (almost) full port of Hunspell
Python module for API
Streamlined singularity python client (spython) for singularity
Library that lets you generate short YouTube-looking IDs from numbers
Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
Database Toolkit for Python
Sqlalchemy plugin that allows postgres use of CITEXT
Versioning and auditing extension for SQLAlchemy
SQLAlchemy extension for attaching files to SQLAlchemy model and uploading them to various storage…
Internationalization extension for SQLAlchemy models
Full-featured JSON type with mutation tracking for SQLAlchemy
SQLALchemy JSONField implementation for storing dicts at SQL independently from JSON type support
Python mixins for SQLAlchemy ORM
Various utility functions and datatypes for SQLAlchemy
Adds CreateView and DropView constructs to SQLAlchemy
Handy python code for doing database things
Python 3 bindings for SQLCipher
Python 3 bindings for SQLCipher
Python 3 bindings for SQLCipher
Sqlfmt formats your dbt SQL files so you don't have to
No dependency Python SQL parser, transpiler, and optimizer
Asynchronous client for SQLite using AnyIO
Custom Python functions for working with SQLite FTS4
Simple database migration system for SQLite, based on sqlite-utils
Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases
Persistent, thread-safe dict
Python library to dump table schema of a SQLite database file
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
Module to work with SQL databases
Object Relational Manager for providing an object interface to your database
Non-validating SQL parser for Python
DVC's data management subsystem
Pure Python implementation of the squarify treemap layout algorithm
Python library to efficiently generate all values that can match a given regular expression
Implementation of the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP)
Unofficial Python module for interacting with Srp Energy data
Module to implement Secure Remote Password (SRP) authentication