Showing entries 8801-8900 out of 18611.
Typing stubs for PyYAML
Typing stubs for redis
Typing stubs for requests
Typing stubs for retry
Type annotations and code completion for s3transfer
Typing stubs for setuptools
Typing stubs for tabulate
Typing stubs for toml
Typing stubs for tqdm
Typing stubs for typed-ast
Typing stubs for ujson
Typing stubs for urllib3
Typing stubs for xxhash
Python 2.7 & 3.5+ runtime type-checker
Retrieve information from typeshed and other typing stubs
Type system library for Python
Python library for runtime analysis, inference and validation of Python types
Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python
Runtime inspection utilities for Python typing module
Simple library for runtime type-checking
Python module for checking types of objects
Filters to enhance web typography, including support for Django & Jinja templates
Python binding to typst
Provider of IANA time zone data
Tzinfo object for the local timezone
Portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python
Python implementation of the UA Parser
Native accelerator for ua-parser
AMQP 1.0 client library for Python
Universal array library
UART Devices for Linux
Implements API - public wrapper for API that returns info about U…
Python utility library with a stdlib like feel and extra batteries
Micro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py
Python SDK for Cisco UCS
Fast RFC3339 compliant Python date-time library
Python library Rainforest EAGLE devices
Alternative for w3mimgdisplay
Bindings to Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm from TurboParser
Safe, atomic formatting with black and usort
Bridge from UFOs to FontTools objects
Library to deal with UFO font sources
Library to deal with UFO font sources
Linter for Unified Font Object (UFO) source code
Command line utility and Python library that merges two UFO source format fonts into a single file
Script to normalize the XML and other data inside of a UFO
Read, write and generate UFOs with designspace data
Streamlined Cython bindings for the harfbuzz shaping engine
Universal Histogram Interface
Python API for UniFi Protect (Unofficial)
Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder
Python implementation of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen)
UK Postcode parser
Library to create and transform ULIDs
Module for working with data from Landis+Gyr Ultraheat heat meter unit
Date Api that support Hijri Umalqurra calendar
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
Implementation of the Modbus protocol
Project that can transform your asynchronous code into synchronous code
Performance sensitive parts of Unblob
Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved (aka error propagation)
A bytecode decompiler for Python versions 3.8 and below
Ever needed a global object that act as None but not quite?
Python library for the custom Selenium ChromeDriver that passes all bot mitigation systems
Utility to fetch and download Python packages
Pure Python implementation of ICU's rule-based number format engine
Generates unicode slugs
Drop-in replacement for Python2's stdlib csv module, with unicode support
Backport and updates for the unicodedata module
Converts LaTeX tags to unicode
Python bindings for Unicorn CPU emulator engine
Unified interface for cryptographic libraries
Unified Curses Wrapper for Python
Library that helps query unicode blocks by Blocks.txt
ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
Contemporary Written Japanese dictionary
Small version of UniDic
Unified diff python parsing/metadata extraction library
API towards the Ubiquity Networks UniFi controller
Python API for UniFi accesspoints
Module to discover Unifi devices
Python module for Ubiquiti Unifi LED controller
Modifies strings to all use the same quote where possible
Log filter that removes duplicate log messages
PHPUnit-like @dataprovider decorator for unittest
Unittest-based test runner with Ant/JUnit like XML reporting
Library for parsing version ranges and expressions
Pathlib api extended to use fsspec backends
Flashes Silicon Labs radios running EmberZNet or CPC multi-pan firmware
AR file handling for Python (including .deb files)
Unpadded Base64
Wrap the Unrar DLL to enable unraring of files in python
Program to extract files from the RPA archive format
Open source libraries and APIs to build custom preprocessing pipelines for labeling, training, or …
Hosted model inference code for layout parsing models
Convert XML documents into Python objects
Transforms tokens into original source code while preserving whitespace
UONET+ (hebe) request signer for Python