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Showing entries 1-91 out of 91.
binutilstools/misc/binutilsNix package categories
autoconfautoconfNix package
Part of the GNU Build System
autoconfautoconf213Nix package
Part of the GNU Build System
autoconfautoconf264Nix package
Part of the GNU Build System
autoconfautoconf269Nix package
Part of the GNU Build System
autoconfautoconf271Nix package
Part of the GNU Build System
automakeautomakeNix package
GNU standard-compliant makefile generator
automakeautomake111xNix package
GNU standard-compliant makefile generator
automakeautomake115xNix package
GNU standard-compliant makefile generator
automakeautomake117xNix package
GNU standard-compliant makefile generator
binutilsbintools-unwrappedNix package
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
binutilsbinutils-unwrapped-all-targetsNix package
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
blackfireNix package
Blackfire Profiler agent and client
chrubyNix package
Changes the current Ruby
CMake LSP Implementation
coccinelleNix package
Program to apply semantic patches to C code
Coreboot toolchain for aarch64 targets
Coreboot toolchain for arm targets
Coreboot toolchain for i386 targets
Coreboot toolchain for ppc64 targets
Coreboot toolchain for riscv targets
Coreboot toolchain for x64 targets
creduceNix package
C program reducer
ctagsctagsNix package
Tool for fast source code browsing (exuberant ctags)
ctagsctagsWrappedNix package
Tool for fast source code browsing (exuberant ctags)
cviseNix package
Super-parallel Python port of C-Reduce
distccNix package
Fast, free distributed C/C++ compiler
distcc-masq-gccNix package
duraNix package
Background process that saves uncommitted changes on git
edbNix package
Cross platform AArch32/x86/x86-64 debugger
fswatchNix package
Cross-platform file change monitor with multiple backends
gdbNix package
GNU Project debugger
GNU Project debugger
gdbguiNix package
Browser-based frontend for GDB
gedeNix package
Graphical frontend (GUI) to GDB
glibtoolNix package
gperfgperfNix package
Perfect hash function generator
gperfgperf_3_0Nix package
Perfect hash function generator
kdbgNix package
A graphical user interface to gdb, the GNU debugger
libbfdNix package
Library for manipulating containers of machine code
libopcodesNix package
Library from binutils for manipulating machine code
libtoollibtoolNix package
GNU Libtool, a generic library support script
libtoollibtool_1_5Nix package
Generic library support script
linuxkitNix package
Toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers
lttng-ustlttng-ustNix package
LTTng Userspace Tracer libraries
lttng-ustlttng-ust_2_12Nix package
LTTng Userspace Tracer libraries
luarocks-nixlua51PackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks-nixlua52PackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks-nixlua53PackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks-nixlua54PackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks-nixluajitPackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks_bootstraplua51PackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks_bootstraplua52PackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks_bootstraplua53PackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks_bootstraplua54PackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
luarocks_bootstrapluajitPackagesNix package
Package manager for Lua
mdlNix package
Tool to check markdown files and flag style issues
nixbangNix package
Special shebang to run scripts in a nix-shell
one_gadgetNix package
Best tool for finding one gadget RCE in
patchelfpatchelfNix package
Small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables
patchelfpatchelfStableNix package
Small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables
patchelfpatchelfUnstableNix package
Small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables
php-blackfirephp81ExtensionsNix package
Blackfire Profiler PHP module
php-blackfirephp82ExtensionsNix package
Blackfire Profiler PHP module
php-blackfirephp83ExtensionsNix package
Blackfire Profiler PHP module
premakepremakeNix package
Simple build configuration and project generation tool using lua
premakepremake3Nix package
Simple build configuration and project generation tool using lua
premake5Nix package
Simple build configuration and project generation tool using lua
pwninitNix package
Automate starting binary exploit challenges
qtspimNix package
New user interface for spim, a MIPS simulator
seerNix package
Qt gui frontend for GDB
sqitch-mysqlNix package
Sensible database change management
sqitch-pgNix package
Sensible database change management
sqitch-sqliteNix package
Sensible database change management
stlinkstlinkNix package
In-circuit debug and programming for ST-Link devices
stlinkstlink-guiNix package
In-circuit debug and programming for ST-Link devices
texinfotexinfoNix package
GNU documentation system
texinfotexinfo4Nix package
GNU documentation system
texinfotexinfo6Nix package
GNU documentation system
texinfotexinfo6_5Nix package
GNU documentation system
texinfotexinfo6_7Nix package
GNU documentation system
GNU documentation system
texlabNix package
Implementation of the Language Server Protocol for LaTeX
tokeiNix package
Program that allows you to count your code, quickly
travisNix package
CLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI
usb-modeswitchNix package
Mode switching tool for controlling 'multi-mode' USB devices
Device database and the rules file for 'multi-mode' USB devices
watson-rubyNix package
Inline issue manager
whatstyleNix package
Find a code format style that fits given source files
xxdiffNix package
Graphical file and directories comparator and merge tool
yakutNix package
Simple CLI tool for diagnostics and debugging of Cyphal networks