Showing entries 28201-28300 out of 54071.
Model Selection and Post-Hoc Analysis for (G)LMER Models
Bootstrap Methods for Nested Linear Mixed-Effects Models
Perform Permutation Test on General Linear and Mixed Linear Regression
Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models
Add Smoothing Spline Modelling Capability to `nlme`
Filter Methods for Parameter Estimation in Linear and Non Linear Regression Models
Helper Functions for Linear Model Analysis
L-Moments, Censored L-Moments, Trimmed L-Moments, L-Comoments, and Many Distributions
L-Moments and Quantile Mixtures
Data and Functions Used in Linear Models and Regression with R: An Integrated Approach
Exact Variable-Subset Selection in Linear Regression
Outlier Robust Specification Testing
Non-Parametric Causal Effects of Feasible Interventions Based on Modified Treatment Policies
LncRNA Identification and Analysis Using Heterologous Features
Perform Logistic Normal Multinomial Clustering for Microbiome Compositional Data
Bayesian Mixture Log-Normal Survival Model
Loadings for Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares
Producing Load Shape with Target Peak and Load Factor
Models the Capture Processes in American Lobster Trap Fishery
Local Bootstrap Methods for Various Networks
Nonparametric Methods for Generating High Quality Comparative Effectiveness Evidence
Local Likelihood Inference for Conditional Copula Models
Localization Processes for Functional Data Analysis
Estimating Local Gaussian Parameters
Local Individual Conditional Expectation
LIME-Based Explanations with Interpretable Inputs Based on Ceteris Paribus Profiles
Package for Sequence Analysis by Local Score
R API to LocalSolver
Locate IP Addresses with 'ip-api'
Detection and Localization of Executable Files
Identification of Location Game Equilibria in Networks
Datasets for "Statistics: UnLocking the Power of Data"
Datasets for 'Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data'
Locally Sparse Estimator of Generalized Varying Coefficient Model for Asynchronous Longitudinal Da…
Local Polynomial Expectile Regression
Gene Locus Plot with Gene Annotations
Loewe's Additivity
Text Rendering with Bitmap and Vector Fonts
Tree-Based Models for the Analysis of Log Files from Computer-Based Assessments
Log-Concave Density Estimation in Arbitrary Dimensions