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Showing entries 28901-29000 out of 54071.
Mass Measurement Corrections
Some 'MASS' Enhancements
Simple Matrix Construction
Competitive Gene Sets Test with the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Test
Body Mass Estimation Equations for Vertebrates
Quality Control and Analysis of Massachusetts Water Quality Data
r-MASTNix package
Mast Inference and Forecasting
r-mastRNix package
r-MATNix package
Multidimensional Adaptive Testing
r-MATANix package
Model-Averaged Tail Area (MATA) Confidence Interval and Distribution
Spy on Your R Session
Match One Sample using Two Criteria
'Stata'-Like Matched Case-Control Analysis
One-to-One Feature Matching
Estimate Group Average Treatment Effects with Matching
Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Balance Optimization
Analysis of Stable Matchings
Matching Algorithms in R and C++
Combining Matching and Linear Regression for Causal Inference
Flexible Dictionary-Based Cleaning
Optimal Multilevel Matching using a Network Algorithm
Pattern Matching and Enumerated Types in R
Matching and Weighting Multiply Imputed Datasets
A Code Converter from the Matlab/Octave Language to R
Assess Mating Potential in Space and Time
Apply Photo Editing Effects
Using 'Mathjax' in Rd Files
Translate R Expressions to 'MathML' and 'LaTeX'/'MathJax'
Support for the 'Mathpix' API (Image to 'LaTeX')
r-matieNix package
'MATLAB' Emulation Package
Translation Layer from MATLAB to R
An Interface for MATLAB using System Calls
Matrix Functions for Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra and Multivariate Statistics
Material Management
Matrix Powers
r-matRNix package
Model Averaging-Assisted Optimal Transfer Learning
Useful Tricks for Matrix Manipulation
Generates Raven-Like Matrices According to Rules
Collection of Functions for Matrix Calculations
Matrix Correlation Coefficients
Determines Clustering Threshold Based on Similarity Values
Statistics for Matrix Distributions
Matrix eQTL:
Extra Methods for Sparse Matrices
Parsimonious Families of Hidden Markov Models for Matrix-Variate Longitudinal Data
Normalized Laplacian Matrix and Laplacian Map
Penalized Matrix-Normal Linear Discriminant Analysis
Model-Based Clustering via Matrix-Variate Mixture Models
Modelling with Sparse and Dense Matrices
Working with Matrices over Finite Prime Fields
The Matrix Normal Distribution
Matrix Profile
Matrix Profile for R
Simulations of Matrix Variate Distributions
Creating, Manipulating and Annotating Matrix Ensemble
Tests of Matrix Structure for Construct Validation
Fast Statistical Hypothesis Tests on Rows and Columns of Matrices
An Implementation of Matrix Mathematics that Respects Row and Column Names
Matrices in Data Frames
Matrix Skew-T Parameter Estimation
r-matuRNix package
Athlete Maturation and Biobanding
r-mauNix package
Decision Models with Multi Attribute Utility Theory
Work with 'BEAST2' Packages
r-MAVENix package
Methods for Dimension Reduction
'FASTA' ML and ‘altall’ Sequences from IQ-TREE .state Files
The Group Sequential Max-Combo Test for Comparing Survival Curves
Selecting the Best Set of Relevant Environmental Variables along with the Optimal Regularization M…
Space-Filling Design under Maximin Distance
Inference for Maximin Effects in High-Dimensional Settings
Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Related Tools
Model Species Distributions by Estimating the Probability of Occurrence Using Presence-Only Data
Maximum Matching for General Weighted Graph
r-MaxMCNix package
Maximized Monte Carlo
Fitting 'Maxent' Species Distribution Models with 'glmnet'