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Showing entries 30701-30800 out of 54071.
r-msaNix package
r-msaeNix package
Multivariate Fay Herriot Models for Small Area Estimation
Multivariate Small Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Method
Multi-Step Adaptive Estimation Methods for Sparse Regressions
Moving Subset Analysis FACE
r-msampNix package
Estimate Sample Size to Detect Bacterial Contamination in a Product Lot
r-msapNix package
r-msaRNix package
Multiple Sequence Alignment for R Shiny
r-MSboxNix package
Mass Spectrometry Tools
r-msBPNix package
Multiscale Bernstein Polynomials for Densities
Data Sets for Courses at the Münster School of Business
r-msceNix package
Hazard of Multi-Stage Clonal Expansion Models
Chart Generation for 'Microsoft Word' and 'Microsoft PowerPoint' Documents
Automated Classification of Mass Spectra
Multiple-Scaled Clustering
r-MSCMTNix package
Multivariate Synthetic Control Method Using Time Series
Combine Data from Positive and Negative Ionization Mode Finding Common Entities
r-mscpNix package
Multiscale Change Point Detection via Gradual Bandwidth Adjustment in Moving Sum Processes
Analyzing Gene Tree Quartets under the Multi-Species Coalescent
Tests of Multispecies Coalescent Gene Tree Simulator Output
R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics REST API
R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services 'Text-to-Speech' REST API
R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Web Language Model REST API
r-msdNix package
Method of Successive Dichotomizations
r-msdaNix package
Multi-Class Sparse Discriminant Analysis
r-msdeNix package
Bayesian Inference for Multivariate Stochastic Differential Equations
Seasonal Mid-Summer Drought Characteristics
Metabolite Set Enrichment Analysis for Loadings
Spectral Entropy for Mass Spectrometry Data
Management Strategy Evaluation Toolkit
r-MSGNix package
Data and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics
Markov-Switching GARCH Models
Hybridization of MS-GARCH and ELM Model
r-msglNix package
A library to serialize or unserialize data in MessagePack format
r-msgpsNix package
Degrees of Freedom of Elastic Net, Adaptive Lasso and Generalized Elastic Net
r-msgrNix package
Extends Messages, Warnings and Errors by Adding Levels and Log Files
r-mshapNix package
Multiplicative SHAP Values for Two-Part Models
r-msigNix package
An R Package for Exploring Molecular Signatures Database
MSigDB Gene Sets for Multiple Organisms in a Tidy Data Format
Multiple SIGnal SEGmentation
Mutational Signature Analysis Tools
Micro Simulation Model for Cervical Cancer Prevention
Bayesian Monotonic Single-Index Regression Model with the Skew-T Likelihood
Multiscale Inference for Nonparametric Time Trend(s)
r-MSiPNix package
'MassSpectrometry' Interaction Prediction
r-msirNix package
Model-Based Sliced Inverse Regression
r-mslpNix package
Improved Techniques to Estimate Trend, Velocity and Acceleration from Sea Level Records
r-msmNix package
Multi-State Markov and Hidden Markov Models in Continuous Time
r-msmaNix package
Multiblock Sparse Multivariable Analysis
r-MSMBNix package
r-msmeNix package
Functions and Datasets for "Methods of Statistical Model Estimation"
r-MSmixNix package
Finite Mixtures of Mallows Models with Spearman Distance for Full and Partial Rankings
r-MSMLNix package
Model Selection Based on Machine Learning (ML)
Building Augmented Data to Run Multi-State Models with 'msm' Package
Multivariate Statistical Methods with R Applications
r-MSnIDNix package
r-msosNix package
Data Sets and Functions Used in Multivariate Statistics: Old School by John Marden
CORe Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes Toolkit
r-MSPRTNix package
A Modified Sequential Probability Ratio Test (MSPRT)
r-MSQCNix package
Multivariate Statistical Quality Control
r-msqc1Nix package
r-MSRDTNix package
Multi-State Reliability Demonstration Tests (MSRDT)
Library Search Against Electron Ionization Mass Spectral Databases
r-mssmNix package