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Showing entries 31901-32000 out of 54071.
r-npsrNix package
Validate Instrumental Variables using NPS
r-npstNix package
Nonparametric Survival Analysis
Sample Size and Power Calculation for Common Non-Parametric Tests in Survival Analysis
Nonparametric Bootstrap and Permutation Tests
r-npwbsNix package
Nonparametric Multiple Change Point Detection Using WBS
r-nrbaNix package
Methods for Conducting Nonresponse Bias Analysis (NRBA)
Simulation-Based Calculations of Sample Size for Linear and Logistic Regression
Metrics for Multiple Testing with Correlated Outcomes
NRI for Risk Prediction Models with Time to Event and Binary Response Data
r-NSAENix package
Nonstationary Small Area Estimation
r-nsapiNix package
Methods for Fitting and Simulating Non-Stationary ARFIMA Models
Non-Negative and Sparse CCA
Simulation and Estimation of the Neyman-Scott Type Spatial Cluster Models
r-nsdrNix package
r-nseNix package
Numerical Standard Errors Computation in R
r-nse2rNix package
r-nseqNix package
Count of Sequential Events
r-nserNix package
Bhavcopy and Live Market Data from National Stock Exchange (NSE) & Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Ind…
Tools for Lazy and Non-Standard Evaluation
Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
r-nsga3Nix package
An Implementation of Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III for Feature Selection
r-nsgpNix package
r-NSM3Nix package
Functions and Datasets to Accompany Hollander, Wolfe, and Chicken - Nonparametric Statistical Meth…
Datasets to Accompany Hollander, Wolfe, and Chicken NSM3
National Statistical Office of Mongolia's Open Data API Handler
r-nspNix package
Inference for Multiple Change-Points in Linear Models
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Mixture Estimation
Non-Negative and Sparse PCA
r-NSRNix package
'Native Status Resolver'
r-nsRFANix package
Non-Supervised Regional Frequency Analysis
r-nsROCNix package
Non-Standard ROC Curve Analysis
r-nsrrNix package
r-NSTNix package
Normalized Stochasticity Ratio
r-NSUMNix package
Geospatial Data and Maps for New South Wales, Australia
Count Syllables in Character Vectors
r-ntdrNix package
Retrieve Data from the National Transit Database
r-ntfyNix package
Lightweight Wrapper to the '' Service
Computation of NTLKwIEx Distribution Properties
Two Way Neutrosophic ANOVA
r-NTSNix package
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
Neutrosophic Data Sets
Neutrosophic Distributions
r-NTSSNix package
Nonparametric Tests in Spatial Statistics
r-NTWNix package
r-ntwkNix package
r-nucimNix package
Nucleome Imaging Toolbox
NUtrient Cycling and COMpetition Model Undisturbed Open Bog Ecosystems in a Temperate to Sub-Borea…
r-nudgeNix package
Nitrogen Use Efficiency Toolkit on Numerics
Tools for Graphical Inference
Haplotype-Aware CNV Analysis from scRNA-Seq
Convert Words to Numbers in Multiple Languages
Compute the Probability Distribution of the Number of Alleles in a DNA Mixture
Number-Theoretic Functions
Validate, Compare and Format Identification Numbers from Brazil
Accurate Numerical Derivatives
Statistical Framework to Define Subgroups in Complex Datasets
Tools to Format Numbers for Publication
Number Series Generator
r-numKMNix package
Create a Kaplan-Meier Plot with Numbers at Risk
Numeric Routines for Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating
r-NuPoPNix package
r-NUSSNix package
Mixed N-Grams and Unigram Sequence Segmentation
Food Composition Information and Dietary Assessment
Structure Learning with Copula Graphical Model
Useful Functions for People on a Diet
r-nutsNix package
Convert European Regional Data
r-NVARNix package
Nonlinear Vector Autoregression Models
Nonparametric Varying Coefficient Spike-and-Slab Lasso
r-nvctrNix package
The n-vector Approach to Geographical Position Calculations using an Ellipsoidal Model of Earth
r-nvmixNix package
Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures
Flights that Departed NYC in 2013
Flights and Other Useful Metadata for NYC Outbound Flights in 2023
New Zealand Election Data
Import, Clean and Update Data from the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database
Driving Offences in New Zealand Between 2009 and 2016
Reconstruction of Transmission Chains from Surveillance Data