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Showing entries 31801-31900 out of 54071.
Normalize Hadamard Matrix
The Normal Laplace Distribution
Routines for Exponential Power Distribution
Normalisation of Multiple Variables in Large-Scale Datasets
Derivation of Regression-Based Normative Data
Normalize Gene Expression Data using Evaluated Methods
Cleans and Normalizes FLUOstar DBF and DAT Files from 'Liposome' Flux Assays
Direct MLE for Multivariate Normal Mixture Distributions
Normalisation of Psychometric Tests
r-normrNix package
Tests for Normality
Neyman Smooth Tests of Normality for the Errors of ARMA Models
Assessing Normality of Stationary Process
r-nosNix package
Compute Node Overlap and Segregation in Ecological Networks
r-noseNix package
Nose Package for R
r-nosoiNix package
A Forward Agent-Based Transmission Chain Simulator
Advanced Text-Based Plots
r-notNix package
Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection
Dummy R APIs Used in 'Azure Synapse Analytics' for Local Developments
Send Alerts to your Cellphone and Phillips Hue Lights
Computes PDF, CDF, Quantile, Random Numbers and Measures of Inference for 3 General Families of Di…
Dataset from the Novel Forests of Singapore
Visualise the Path to a Stopping Point in Qualitative Interviews Based on Novel Codes
Resources to Assist Novice Developers
Further Resources to Assist Novice Developers
r-nowebNix package
The 'noweb' System for R
r-npNix package
Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types
Non-Parametric Measures of Actigraphy Data
r-NPARCNix package
Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
Nonparametric Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Factorial Experiments
Nonparametric Analysis of Multivariate Data in Factorial Designs
Nonparametric Tests for Main Effects, Simple Effects and Interaction Effect in a Factorial Design …
Non-Parametric Bayesian Multiple Imputation for Categorical Data
Nonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled Resampling
Informative Nonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled Resampling
r-npbrNix package
Nonparametric Boundary Regression
r-NPCNix package
r-NPCDNix package
Nonparametric Methods for Cognitive Diagnosis
The Nonparametric Classification Methods for Cognitive Diagnosis
Nonparametric Circular Methods
Nonparametric Tests for Incomplete Clustered Data
Non Parametric Test for Detecting Changes in the Copula
r-NPCoxNix package
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Proportional Hazards Model
r-npcpNix package
Some Nonparametric CUSUM Tests for Change-Point Detection in Possibly Multivariate Observations
r-npcsNix package
Neyman-Pearson Classification via Cost-Sensitive Learning
Nonparametric Estimation in Mixture Cure Models
Mixture Cure Model Estimation with Cure Status Partially Known
r-npdeNix package
Normalised Prediction Distribution Errors for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Models
Nonparametric Estimation and Inference on Dose-Response Curves
Exact Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests for the Mean, Variance and Stochastic Inequality
r-NPFDNix package
N-Power Fourier Deconvolution
Bayesian Nonparametrics for Automatic Gating of Flow-Cytometry Data
r-nphNix package
Planning and Analysing Survival Studies under Non-Proportional Hazards
Nonparametric Hazard Rate Estimation
r-NPHMCNix package
Sample Size Calculation for the Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Model
Sample Size Calculation under Non-Proportional Hazards
Non-Proportional Hazards in Randomized Controlled Trials
r-npiNix package
Access the U.S. National Provider Identifier Registry API
Nonparametric Interaction Tests for Factorial Designs with Repeated Measures
Nonparametric Predictive Inference
Plotting Linkage and Association Results
r-nplrNix package
N-Parameter Logistic Regression
r-nplyrNix package
A Grammar of Nested Data Manipulation
r-npmNix package
Nonparametric Models for Longitudinal Data
Type-Specific Failure Rate and Hazard Rate on Competing Risks Data
Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Random Effect Models
r-npmrNix package
Nuclear Penalized Multinomial Regression
r-npmvNix package
Nonparametric Comparison of Multivariate Samples
Nonparametric Tests for Equality of Location Against Ordered Alternatives
r-NPPNix package
Normalized Power Prior Bayesian Analysis
Nonparametric Partially-Balanced Incomplete Block Design Analysis
Vegetation Phenological Cycle and Anomaly Detection using Remote Sensing Data
r-NPREDNix package
Predictor Identifier: Nonparametric Prediction
r-npregNix package
Nonparametric Regression via Smoothing Splines
Nonparametric Estimation of the Derivatives of a Regression Function
Nonparametric Estimation of Regression Models with Factor-by-Curve Interactions
Nonparametric Robust Estimation and Inference Methods using Local Polynomial Regression and Kernel…
r-nprocNix package
Neyman-Pearson (NP) Classification Algorithms and NP Receiver Operating Characteristic (NP-ROC) Cu…
Kernel-Based Nonparametric ROC Regression Modelling
Nonparametric Rotations for Sphere-Sphere Regression
r-NPSNix package
r-npsfNix package
Nonparametric and Stochastic Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
r-npsmNix package
Nonparametric Statistical Methods
r-npspNix package
Nonparametric Spatial Statistics