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Showing entries 33801-33900 out of 54071.
Cross-Validated (Post-) Lasso
Read, Tidy, and Display Data from Microtiter Plates
Tools and Plots for Multi-Well Plates
Optimal Two-Period Multiarm Platform Design with New Experimental Arms Added During the Trial
Data from a Test of the PlatoWork tDCS Headset
Lattice Plot for Panel Data
Single-Cell Immune Repertoire and Gene Expression Analysis
r-playNix package
Visualize Sports Data
Generate Pizza Chart: Player Stats 0-100
Dynamic Updating Methods for Player Ratings Estimation
Post-Linkage Data Analysis Based on Mixture Modelling
r-pldeNix package
Penalized Log-Density Estimation Using Legendre Polynomials
r-pleioNix package
Pleiotropy Test for Multiple Traits on a Genetic Marker
Fast Sequential Pleiotropy Test
Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Log-Multiplicative Association Models
r-PLEXINix package
Multiplex Network Analysis
r-PLFDNix package
Portmanteau Local Feature Discrimination for Matrix-Variate Data
r-plfmNix package
Probabilistic Latent Feature Analysis
r-plfMANix package
A GUI to View, Design and Export Various Graphs of Data
r-plgemNix package
r-plgpNix package
Particle Learning of Gaussian Processes
User Oriented Plotting Functions
r-plierNix package
Tools for Plant Image Analysis
Receiver Operating Characteristic Based on Power Lindley Distribution
r-plinkNix package
IRT Separate Calibration Linking Methods
'PLINK' (and 'GCTA')
Genotype Quality Control with 'PLINK'
r-PLISNix package
Multiplicity Control using Pooled LIS Statistic
r-plmNix package
Linear Models for Panel Data
r-PLMIXNix package
Bayesian Analysis of Finite Mixtures of Plackett-Luce Models for Partial Rankings/Orderings
Estimate (Generalized) Linear Mixed Models with Factor Structures
r-plmmNix package
r-plmmrNix package
Penalized Linear Mixed Models for Correlated Data
r-plnNix package
Polytomous Logit-Normit (Graded Logistic) Model Estimation
Poisson Lognormal Models
r-plnrNix package
A System for Planing Analyses
r-plogrNix package
The 'plog' C++ Logging Library
Multivariate Ordered Probit Model via Pairwise Likelihood
r-PLORNNix package
Prediction with Less Overfitting and Robust to Noise
Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data
Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data - Using 'rgl'
Just Plot for Fun
Diagnostic and Plotting Functions to Supplement 'bartCause'
Grammar of Graphics for 'base' Plot
Density Contour Plot for Bivariate Inverse Gaussian Distribution
Command Line Interface Plotting
Plot Contour Line
Easily Visualize Data from 'ERDDAP' Servers via the 'rerddap' Package
Plot Summary Statistics as Choropleth Maps of Danish Administrative Areas
Plot FTIR Spectra
Various Functions to Facilitate Visualization of Data and Analysis
Tools for Visualizing Gaussian Mixture Models
New Plots Based on 'ggplot2' and Functions to Create Regular Shapes
Plot Hidden Markov Models
'ggplot2' Version of "I'm Feeling Lucky!"
Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'
Render 'Plotly' Maps without an Internet Connection
MCMC Diagnostic Plots
Plot Marginal Effects from Linear Models
Tidy Tools for Visualizing Mixture Models
Plot a Model's Residuals, Response, and Partial Dependence Plots
Produces an Odds Ratio Plot from a Logistic Regression Model
Plot Principal Component Histograms Around a Scatter Plot
Useful Networking Tools for Project Management
Development of Visualization Tools for Protein Sequence
Various Plotting Functions
Generate Useful ROC Curve Charts for Print and Interactive Use
Scale Graphics Devices Using Plot Dimensions
Graphing Nonlinear Relations Among Latent Variables from Structural Equation Mixture Models
Add Continuous Legends to Plots
Spider Plots, ROC Curves, Pie Charts and More for Use in Other Plots
r-PLPENix package
Prediction Limits for Poisson Distribution
r-PLregNix package
Power Logit Regression for Modeling Bounded Data
Statistical Inference in Partial Linear Regression Models
r-plrsNix package
r-plsNix package
Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
Partial Least Squares (PLS) Data Analysis Methods
Degrees of Freedom and Statistical Inference for Partial Least Squares Regression
PLS Analyses for Genomics
Methods for Partial Linear Single Index Model
Variable Selection and Inference for Partial Semiparametric Linear Mixed-Effects Model