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Showing entries 37101-37200 out of 54071.
Robust Multivariate Regression
r-RoBSANix package
Robust Bayesian Survival Analysis
Robust Selection Algorithm
Import an Observable Notebook as HTML Widget
Fast Algorithms for Robust Slopes
Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods
Robust Stepwise Split Regularized Regression
Robust Survey Statistics Estimation
r-RoBTTNix package
Robust Bayesian T-Test
Robust Variance Meta-Regression
Port of the S+ "Robust Library"
Outlier Robust Two-Stage Least Squares Inference and Testing
Truncated Maximum Likelihood Fit and Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression for Gaussian and L…
Robust One-Way ANOVA Tests under Heteroscedasticity and Nonnormality
Robust ARIMA Modeling
Basic Robust Statistics
Robust Bayesian Copas Selection Model
Robust Beta Regression
Robust Solution to the Behrens-Fisher Problem
Robust Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models using ABC
Robust Calibration of Imperfect Mathematical Models
Collection of Robust Covariance and (Sparse) Precision Matrix Estimators
Robust Mixture Discriminant Analysis
Calibrated Correlation and Two-Sample Tests
Robust Methods using Exponential Tilt Model
Object Oriented Solution for Robust Factor Analysis
Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation
Robust Methods for High-Dimensional Data
Robust Instrumental Variable Methods in Linear Models
Robust Linear Regressions
Robust Variable Selection with Exponential Squared Loss
Robust Linear Mixed Effects Models
Robust Matrix-Variate Parameter Estimation
Robust Inference for Meta-Analysis with Influential Outlying Studies
Robust Tuning and Training for Cross-Source Prediction
Robust Rank-Based Tests
Methods for Robust Rank Aggregation
An Extended Rao-Stirling Diversity Index to Handle Missing Data
Robust Regression Functions
Robust Bayesian Small Area Estimation
Robust Estimation for Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models
Robust Estimation of Variance Component Models
'eXtra' / 'eXperimental' Functionality for Robust Statistics
Visualize the Results of Risk-of-Bias (ROB) Assessments
r-RobynNix package
Semi-Automated Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) from Meta Marketing Science
r-ROCNix package
Aggregate Multiple ROC Curves into One Global ROC
r-rocbcNix package
Statistical Inference for Box-Cox Based Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves
r-roccNix package
ROC Based Classification
r-roccvNix package
ROC for Cross Validation Results
Two-Way Feature Set Testing for Multi-Omics
r-ROCitNix package
Performance Assessment of Binary Classifier with Visualization
r-rockNix package
Reproducible Open Coding Kit
Regression Estimation and Presentation
Database Interface Class
Simple and Fast ROC Curves
Rock Fabric and Strain Analysis Tools
r-rockrNix package
'Rock' R Server Client
Functions for Diffusing Function Documentations into 'Roxygen' Comments
Non-Inferiority Test for Paired ROC Curves
r-rocnpNix package
Work with Romanian Personal Numeric Codes PNC / CNP
ROC Curve Inference with and without Covariates
Robust Rank Correlation Coefficient and Test
Compute and Compare Diagnostic Test Statistics Across Groups
r-ROCRNix package
Visualizing the Performance of Scoring Classifiers
r-ROCSNix package
r-ROCSINix package
Receiver Operating Characteristic Based Signature Identification
ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-Class Problems
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)-Guided Classification and Survival Tree
r-RodamNix package
r-RODBCNix package
ODBC Database Access
Provides Access to Databases Through the ODBC Interface
r-roddNix package
Optimal Discriminating Designs
r-rODENix package
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solvers Written in R Using S4 Classes
r-rodeoNix package
A Code Generator for ODE-Based Models
r-RODMNix package
Robust Functional Analysis of Variance
r-rogerNix package
Automated Grading of R Scripts
r-RogueNix package
Identify Rogue Taxa in Sets of Phylogenetic Trees
r-ROINix package
R Optimization Infrastructure