Showing entries 38601-38700 out of 52683.
Space-Filling Random and Quasi-Random Sequences
Simulate Spatial Bernoulli Networks
Latent Space Models for Multidimensional Networks
Standard and User-Defined RGB Color Spaces, with Conversion Between RGB and CIE XYZ
CIE XYZ and some of Its Derived Color Spaces
Classes and Methods for Spatio-Temporal Data
Blind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Data
A Set of RStudio Addins
Load Avro file into 'Apache Spark'
A 'Sparklyr' Extension for 'Hail'
'jQuery' Sparkline 'htmlwidget'
R Interface to Apache Spark
Generate LaTeX sparklines in R
Load WARC Files into Apache Spark
Interface for 'XGBoost' on 'Apache Spark'
Analysis of Differential Behaviour of SPARRA Score Across Demographic Groups
Power Analysis to Detect Spatial Relative Risk Clusters
Sparse Biclustering of Transposable Data
'HJ-Biplot' using Different Ways of Penalization Plotting with 'ggplot2'
Utilities for Learning Sparse Bayesian Networks
Sparse Matrix C++ Classes Including Sparse Cholesky LDL Decomposition of Symmetric Matrices
Sparse Covariance Estimation Based on Thresholding
Implementation of SparseDC Algorithm
Estimate Dynamic Factor Models with Sparse Loadings
Sparse and Regularized Discriminant Analysis
Computation of Sparse Eigenvectors of a Matrix
Functional Linear Mixed Models for Irregularly or Sparsely Sampled Data
Sparse Functional Clustering
Sparse Generalized Additive Models
Sparse grid integration in R
Numerical Estimation of Sparse Hessians
Design of Portfolio of Stocks to Track an Index
Computation of the Sparse Inverse Subset
Sparse Discriminant Analysis
The Sparse Latent Position Model for Nonnegative Interaction Data
Represent and Use Sparse + Low Rank Matrices
RcppEigen back end for sparse least trimmed squares regression
Sparse Matrix Estimation and Inference
Implementation of SparseMDC Algorithm
SPAtial Resolution-SEnsitive Models of Outbreak Dynamics
'Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data'
Multivariate Normal Functions for Sparse Covariance and Precision Matrices
Fit Sparse Linear Regression Models via Nonconvex Optimization
Sparse Principal Component Analysis (SPCA)
'Rcpp' Interface to 'sparsepp'
Variable Selection under Ranked Sparsity Principles for Interactions and Polynomials
Sparse Bayesian Models for Regression, Subgroup Analysis, and Panel Data
Elastic Net Penalized Maximum Likelihood for Structural Equation Models with Network GPT Framework
SparseStep Regression
Sparse Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (from 'SVDLIBC')
Solution Paths of Sparse High-Dimensional Support Vector Machine with Lasso or Elastic-Net Regular…
Sparse Time Series Chain Graphical Models
Sparse VAR/VECM Models Estimation
Spike-and-Slab Variational Bayes for Linear and Logistic Regression
Sparse Vectors for Use in Data Frames
Sparse Vector Field Consensus for Vector Field Learning