Showing entries 38901-39000 out of 52683.
Prediction and Variable Selection Using Spike and Slab Regression
Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Choice for Generalized Additive Mixed Models
Spillover/Connectedness Index Based on VAR Modelling
Semi-Parametric Gene-Environment Interaction via Bayesian Variable Selection
Manual Tours, Manual Control of Dynamic Projections of Numeric Multivariate Data
Sparse Generative Model and Its EM Algorithm
Visualize Data on Spirals
Regression Spline Functions and Classes
Longitudinal Regression Trees and Forests
Functional Data Analysis using Splines and Orthogonal Spline Bases
Multi-Set Split Feasibility
Combined Evaluation and Split Access of Functions
Split Generalized Linear Models
Calculate Task Split Half Reliability Estimates
Estimate Split-Half Reliabilities
Split Knockoffs for Structural Sparsity
Split Regularized Regression
Best Split Selection Modeling for Low-Dimensional Data
Softening Splits in Decision Trees
Analysis of Split-Split-Plot Experiments (Analise De Experimentos Em Parcela Subsubdividida)
Stack and Reshape Datasets After Splitting Concatenated Values
Tools for Data Splitting
Semiparametric Maximum Likelihood Method for Interactions Gene-Environment in Case-Mother Control-…
Spatial Analysis on Network
Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes
Single-Species, Multi-Species, and Integrated Spatial Occupancy Models
SpongeBob-Case Converter : spOngEboB-CASe CoNVertER
Transform a Movie into a Synthetic Picture
Spillover Time Series Causal Inference
Display Tournament Fixtures using Knock Out and Round Robin Techniques
R Wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web API
Misc Extensions for the 'SPOT' Package