Showing entries 40601-40700 out of 54071.
Equity Valuation using Methods of Fundamental Analysis
Fit Stock Price Distributions
R Functions for Solving Stoichiometric Equations
Stop Detection in Timestamped Trajectory Data using Spatiotemporal Clustering
Spatio-Temporal Point Pattern Methods, Model Fitting, Diagnostics, Simulation, Local Tests
Create and Evaluate Stopping Rules for Safety Monitoring
Multilingual Stopword Lists
Access Data from the Norwegian Parliament API
Explore Twitter Trends with the 'Storywrangler' API
Missing Data for Marked Hawkes Process
Ranking of Pathogen Strains
Simple Translation Between Different Languages
Optimum Sample Allocation in Stratified Sampling
Stratification and Matching for Large Observational Data Sets
Stratified Analysis of 2x2 Contingency Tables
Strategic Players
Generic Framework to Analyze Trading Strategies
Strategy Estimation
End-to-End Marine Food Web Model
Univariate Stratification of Survey Populations
Stratified Covariate Balancing
Stratified Medicine
Builds Trees by Sampling Variables in Groups
Stratified Sampling and Labeling of Data in R
Optimal Stratification of Univariate Populations
Integrated Stratigraphy
Stratigraphic Paleobiology Modeling Pipelines
Strategic Selection Estimator
Optimal Stratification in Stratified Sampling
Stratified Weibull Regression Model
Parametric Ordinary Differential Equations Model of Growth, Death, and Respiration of Macroinverte…
Analytical Methods for Stream DAGs
Estimate Streamflow Depletion Due to Groundwater Pumping
Calculate Single Station Metabolism from Diurnal Oxygen Curves
Interface for MOA Stream Clustering Algorithms
Modelling Tri-Phasic Concentration-Response Relationships
Algorithms for Testing Models under Stress
Computation and Estimation of Reliability of Stress-Strength Models
Creates an Adjacency Matrix from a List of Strings
Rendering Font into 'data.frame'
Alt String Implementation
Dynamic String Formatting
Character String Operations and Interpolation, Magic Edition
Dependency-Free String Operations
Structured Trellis Displays Without Strips for Lattice Graphics
Extract Text from RTF File
R Codes and Datasets for Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Application…
Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes