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Showing entries 201-300 out of 2664.
Event listener/callback API for creating extensible bash programs
Event listener/callback API for creating extensible bash programs
Elliptic curve library supporting Ed448-Goldilocks and Curve25519
bc-soci-linphoneNix package
Database access library for C++
bcg729Nix package
Opensource implementation of both encoder and decoder of the ITU G729 Annex A/B speech codec
bctoolboxNix package
Utilities library for Linphone
bearsslNix package
Implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol written in C
beecryptNix package
belcardNix package
C++ library to manipulate VCard standard format
belle-sipNix package
Modern library implementing SIP (RFC 3261) transport, transaction and dialog layers
belrNix package
Belledonne Communications' language recognition library
bencodeNix package
Header-only C++20 bencode serialization/deserialization library
bencodetools-unstablebencodetoolsNix package
Collection of tools for manipulating bencoded data
bencodetools-unstablelibbencodetoolsNix package
Collection of tools for manipulating bencoded data
blazeNix package
High performance C++ math library
blitz++Nix package
Fast multi-dimensional array library for C++
Installs the BlocksRuntime library from the compiler-rt
blstNix package
Multilingual BLS12-381 signature library
BoCANix package
Component library used by the fre:ac audio converter
boolstuffNix package
Library for operations on boolean expression binary trees
boostboostNix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost175Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost177Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost178Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost179Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost180Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost182Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost183Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost184Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost185Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostboost186Nix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostpython311Packages.boostNix package
Collection of C++ libraries
boostpython312Packages.boostNix package
Collection of C++ libraries
bootil-unstableNix package
Garry Newman's personal utility library
Free TLS/SSL implementation
botanbotan2Nix package
Cryptographic algorithms library
botanbotan3Nix package
Cryptographic algorithms library
box2dNix package
2D physics engine
boxfortNix package
Convenient & cross-platform sandboxing C library
breeze-iconsbreeze-iconsNix package
breeze-iconslibsForQt5.breeze-iconsNix package
brigandNix package
Instant compile time C++ 11 metaprogramming library
brunsliNix package
Lossless JPEG repacking library
buddyNix package
Binary decision diagram package
bulletbulletNix package
Professional free 3D Game Multiphysics Library
bulletbullet-roboschoolNix package
Professional free 3D Game Multiphysics Library
bulletmlNix package
C++ library to handle BulletML easily
bwidgetNix package
High-level widget set for Tcl/Tk
bzrtpNix package
Opensource implementation of ZRTP keys exchange protocol
c-aresc-aresNix package
C library for asynchronous DNS requests
c-aresc-aresMinimalNix package
C library for asynchronous DNS requests
c-bloscNix package
Blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library
c-blosc2Nix package
Fast, compressed, persistent binary data store library for C
cairoNix package
2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices
cairommcairommNix package
C++ bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
cairommcairomm_1_16Nix package
C++ bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
calciumNix package
C library for exact computation with real and complex numbers
capnprotoNix package
Cap'n Proto cerealization protocol
capstonecapstoneNix package
Advanced disassembly library
capstonecapstone_4Nix package
Advanced disassembly library
carolineNix package
A simple Cairo Chart Library for GTK and Vala
DataStax CPP cassandra driver
catboostNix package
High-performance library for gradient boosting on decision trees
catchNix package
Multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C (and, maybe, C)
catch2catch2Nix package
Multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C (and, maybe, C)
catch2catch2_3Nix package
Modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests
ccrtpNix package
Implementation of the IETF real-time transport protocol (RTP)
cctagNix package
Detection of CCTag markers made up of concentric circles
cctzNix package
C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times
cddlibNix package
Implementation of the Double Description Method for generating all vertices of a convex polyhedron
cdoNix package
Collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data
cef-binaryNix package
Simple framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications
ceguiNix package
C++ Library for creating GUIs
celtceltNix package
Ultra-low delay audio codec
celtcelt_0_5_1Nix package
Ultra-low delay audio codec
celtcelt_0_7Nix package
Ultra-low delay audio codec
ceres-solverNix package
C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems
cgalcgalNix package
Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
cgalcgal_4Nix package
Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
cglmNix package
Highly Optimized Graphics Math (glm) for C
cguiNix package
Multiplatform basic GUI library
charlsNix package
JPEG-LS library implementation in C++
checkNix package
Unit testing framework for C
chipmunkNix package
Fast and lightweight 2D game physics library
chmlibNix package
Library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chromaprintNix package
AcoustID audio fingerprinting library
cistaNix package
Simple, high-performance, zero-copy C++ serialization & reflection library
civetwebNix package
Embedded C/C++ web server
cjoseNix package
C library for Javascript Object Signing and Encryption
cjsonNix package
Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
ckconcurrencykitNix package
High-performance concurrency research library
cklibckNix package
High-performance concurrency research library
clNix package
OpenCL binding for Erlang
clanlibNix package
Cross platform toolkit library with a primary focus on game creation
clapNix package
Clever Audio Plugin API interface headers
classadsNix package
Classified Advertisements library provides a generic means for matching resources
clfftNix package
Library containing FFT functions written in OpenCL
clippNix package
Easy to use, powerful and expressive command line argument handling for C++11/14/17
ClipperNix package
Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library (C++, C#, Delphi)