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Showing entries 801-900 out of 1155.
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applicati…
Unofficial Mapbox GL Native bindings for Qt QML
Open-source alternative to Mapbox GL Native
maplibre-native-qtkdePackagesNix package
MapLibre Native Qt Bindings and Qt Location Plugin
maplibre-native-qtlibsForQt5Nix package
MapLibre Native Qt Bindings and Qt Location Plugin
mapnikNix package
Open source toolkit for developing mapping applications
matrix-sdk-crypto-nodejsmatrix-sdk-crypto-nodejsNix package
No-network-IO implementation of a state machine that handles E2EE for Matrix clients
matrix-sdk-crypto-nodejsmatrix-sdk-crypto-nodejs-0_1_0-beta_3Nix package
No-network-IO implementation of a state machine that handles E2EE for Matrix clients
Core libraries to manage the desktop to be shared between Maui Settings and Cask
mbedtlsmbedtlsNix package
Portable cryptographic and TLS library, formerly known as PolarSSL
mbedtlsmbedtls_2Nix package
Portable cryptographic and TLS library, formerly known as PolarSSL
Memory Based Tagger
medfileNix package
Library to read and write MED files
mediastreamer2Nix package
Powerful and lightweight streaming engine specialized for voice/video telephony applications
mesadriversi686Linux.mesaNix package
Open source 3D graphics library
mesamesaNix package
Open source 3D graphics library
mesa-libgbmNix package
Open source 3D graphics library
mltkdePackages.mltNix package
Open source multimedia framework, designed for television broadcasting
mltlibsForQt5.mltNix package
Open source multimedia framework, designed for television broadcasting
mltmltNix package
Open source multimedia framework, designed for television broadcasting
mltpython312Packages.mltNix package
Open source multimedia framework, designed for television broadcasting
mltpython313Packages.mltNix package
Open source multimedia framework, designed for television broadcasting
mongocxxNix package
Official C++ client library for MongoDB
mpichmpichNix package
Implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard
mpichmpich-pmixNix package
Implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard
ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server
H.264 encoder/decoder plugin for mediastreamer2
myguiNix package
Library for creating GUIs for games and 3D applications
mypaint-brushesmypaint-brushesNix package
Brushes used by MyPaint and other software using libmypaint
mypaint-brushesmypaint-brushes1Nix package
Brushes used by MyPaint and other software using libmypaint
Myspell Hebrew dictionary
MySQL ODBC database driver
ncurseslibtinfoNix package
Free software emulation of curses in SVR4 and more
ncursesncursesNix package
Free software emulation of curses in SVR4 and more
ncursesncurses6Nix package
Free software emulation of curses in SVR4 and more
Free software emulation of curses in SVR4 and more
ndiNix package
NDI Software Developer Kit
Nemo DBus plugin for qml
netcdf-fortranNix package
Fortran API to manipulate netcdf files
nettleNix package
Cryptographic library
newtnewtNix package
Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces
newtpython312Packages.snackNix package
Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces
newtpython313Packages.snackNix package
Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces
nghttp3Nix package
Nghttp3 is an implementation of HTTP/3 mapping over QUIC and QPACK in C
ngtcp2ngtcp2Nix package
Ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG…
ngtcp2ngtcp2-gnutlsNix package
Effort to implement RFC9000 QUIC protocol
nloptNix package
Free open-source library for nonlinear optimization
nsprNix package
Netscape Portable Runtime, a platform-neutral API for system-level and libc-like functions
nssnssNix package
Set of libraries for development of security-enabled client and server applications
nssnss_latestNix package
Set of libraries for development of security-enabled client and server applications
nssnssToolsNix package
Set of libraries for development of security-enabled client and server applications
nuspellNix package
Free and open source C++ spell checking library
VA-API implemention using NVIDIA's NVDEC
ogreogreNix package
3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
ogreogre_13Nix package
3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
oisNix package
Object-oriented C++ input system
okapiNix package
Okapi Library
oneDNNoneDNNNix package
OneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)
oneDNNoneDNN_2Nix package
OneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)
onnxruntimeNix package
Cross-platform, high performance scoring engine for ML models
openal-softNix package
OpenAL alternative
openbabelNix package
Toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data
Toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data
opencolorioopencolorioNix package
Color management framework for visual effects and animation
opencolorioopencolorio_1Nix package
Color management framework for visual effects and animation
opencsgNix package
Constructive Solid Geometry library
opencvopencvNix package
Open Computer Vision Library with more than 500 algorithms
opencvopencv4WithoutCudaNix package
Open Computer Vision Library with more than 500 algorithms
opencvpython312Packages.opencv4Nix package
Open Computer Vision Library with more than 500 algorithms
opencvpython313Packages.opencv4Nix package
Open Computer Vision Library with more than 500 algorithms
opendhtNix package
C++11 Kademlia distributed hash table implementation
openexropenexrNix package
High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format
openexropenexr_3Nix package
High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format
openimageioopenimageioNix package
Library and tools for reading and writing images
openimageioopenimageio2Nix package
Library and tools for reading and writing images
openscenegraphNix package
3D graphics toolkit
opensslopensslNix package
Cryptographic library that implements the SSL and TLS protocols
opensslopenssl_1_1Nix package
Cryptographic library that implements the SSL and TLS protocols
opensslopenssl_3Nix package
Cryptographic library that implements the SSL and TLS protocols
opensslopenssl_3_0Nix package
Cryptographic library that implements the SSL and TLS protocols
opensslopenssl_legacyNix package
Cryptographic library that implements the SSL and TLS protocols
openvdbopenvdbNix package
Open framework for voxel
openvdbopenvdb_11Nix package
Open framework for voxel
oxygen-iconslibsForQt5.oxygen-iconsNix package
oxygen-iconsoxygen-icons5Nix package
p8-platformNix package
Platform library for libcec and Kodi addons
pangoNix package
Library for laying out and rendering of text, with an emphasis on internationalization
pangolinNix package
Lightweight portable rapid development library for managing OpenGL display / interaction and abstr…
pangommpangommNix package
C++ interface to the Pango text rendering library
pangommpangomm_2_42Nix package
C++ interface to the Pango text rendering library
pangommpangomm_2_48Nix package
C++ interface to the Pango text rendering library
pc-ble-driverNix package
Desktop library for Bluetooth low energy development
pclNix package
Open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing
pcreNix package
Library for Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
pcre-cppNix package
Library for Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
pcre2Nix package
Perl Compatible Regular Expressions