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Showing entries 701-800 out of 1155.
libpeasNix package
GObject-based plugins engine
libphonenumberNix package
Google's i18n library for parsing and using phone numbers
libpngNix package
Official reference implementation for the PNG file format
libpng-apngNix package
Official reference implementation for the PNG file format with animation patch
libpromNix package
Prometheus Client in C
libpromhttpNix package
Prometheus HTTP Endpoint in C
libproxyNix package
Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
libpulsarNix package
Apache Pulsar C++ library
libpwqualitylibpwqualityNix package
Password quality checking and random password generation library
libpwqualitypython312Packages.libpwqualityNix package
Password quality checking and random password generation library
libpwqualitypython313Packages.libpwqualityNix package
Password quality checking and random password generation library
Accessibilty tools helper library, used e.g. by screen readers
Accessibilty tools helper library, used e.g. by screen readers
C++ library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers
Library for accessing the ofono daemon, and declarative plugin for it
libqtdbusmockNix package
Library for mocking DBus interactions using Qt
libqtdbustestNix package
Library for testing DBus interactions using Qt
libquotientkdePackages.libquotientNix package
Qt5/Qt6 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix
libquotientlibquotientNix package
Qt5/Qt6 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix
libquotientlibsForQt5.libquotientNix package
Qt5/Qt6 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix
librasterlite2Nix package
Advanced library supporting raster handling methods
libreNix package
Library for real-time communications with async IO support and a complete SIP stack
librealsenselibrealsenseNix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsenselibrealsense-guiNix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsenselibrealsenseWithCudaNix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsenselibrealsenseWithoutCudaNix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsensepython312Packages.pyrealsense2Nix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsensepython312Packages.pyrealsense2WithCudaNix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsensepython312Packages.pyrealsense2WithoutCudaNix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsensepython313Packages.pyrealsense2Nix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsensepython313Packages.pyrealsense2WithCudaNix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
librealsensepython313Packages.pyrealsense2WithoutCudaNix package
Cross-platform library for Intel® RealSense™ depth cameras (D400 series and the SR300)
libressllibresslNix package
Free TLS/SSL implementation
libressllibressl_3_6Nix package
Free TLS/SSL implementation
libressllibressl_3_7Nix package
Free TLS/SSL implementation
libressllibressl_3_8Nix package
Free TLS/SSL implementation
libressllibressl_3_9Nix package
Free TLS/SSL implementation
libresslnetcatNix package
Free TLS/SSL implementation
librsbNix package
Shared memory parallel sparse matrix and sparse BLAS library
librsvgNix package
Small library to render SVG images to Cairo surfaces
libsamplerateNix package
Sample Rate Converter for audio
libsbsmslibsbsmsNix package
Subband sinusoidal modeling library for time stretching and pitch scaling audio
libsbsmslibsbsms_2_0_2Nix package
Subband sinusoidal modeling library for time stretching and pitch scaling audio
libsbsmslibsbsms_2_3_0Nix package
Subband sinusoidal modeling library for time stretching and pitch scaling audio
libsigc++libsigcxxNix package
Typesafe callback system for standard C++
libsigc++libsigcxx30Nix package
Typesafe callback system for standard C++
libsndfileNix package
C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound
libsoundioNix package
Cross platform audio input and output
libsouplibsoupNix package
HTTP client/server library for GNOME
libsouplibsoup_2_4Nix package
HTTP client/server library for GNOME
libsouplibsoup_3Nix package
HTTP client/server library for GNOME
libstatgrabNix package
Library that provides cross platforms access to statistics about the running system
libticalcs2Nix package
This library is part of the TiLP framework
libubox-unstablelibuboxNix package
C utility functions for OpenWrt
libubox-unstablelibubox-mbedtlsNix package
C utility functions for OpenWrt
libubox-unstablelibubox-nosslNix package
C utility functions for OpenWrt
libubox-unstablelibubox-wolfsslNix package
C utility functions for OpenWrt
libuiNix package
Simple and portable (but not inflexible)
libuiohookNix package
C library to provide global keyboard and mouse hooks from userland
libuniqueNix package
Library for writing single instance applications
libunique3Nix package
Library for writing single instance applications
libunistringNix package
Unicode string library
libunwindNix package
Portable and efficient API to determine the call-chain of a program
libusbNix package
Cross-platform user-mode USB device library
libusb-compatNix package
Cross-platform user-mode USB device library
libuvNix package
Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O
libvalibvaNix package
Implementation for VA-API (Video Acceleration API)
libvalibva1Nix package
VAAPI library: Video Acceleration API
libva-minimallibva-minimalNix package
Implementation for VA-API (Video Acceleration API)
libva-minimallibva1-minimalNix package
VAAPI library: Video Acceleration API
libva-utilsNix package
Collection of utilities and examples for VA-API
libvgmNix package
More modular rewrite of most components from VGMPlay
libvirtNix package
Toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux and other OSe…
libvncserverNix package
VNC server library
libwncklibwnckNix package
Library to manage X windows and workspaces (via pagers, tasklists, etc.)
libwncklibwnck2Nix package
Library for creating task lists and pagers
libwncklibwnck3Nix package
Library to manage X windows and workspaces (via pagers, tasklists, etc.)
libwpdlibwpdNix package
Library for importing and exporting WordPerfect documents
libwpdlibwpd_08Nix package
Library for importing WordPerfect documents
libwpeNix package
General-purpose library for WPE WebKit
libxcryptlibxcryptNix package
Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others
libxcryptlibxcrypt-legacyNix package
Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others
libxml++libxmlxxNix package
C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library
libxml++libxmlxx3Nix package
C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library, version 3
libxml2libxml2Nix package
XML parsing library for C
libxml2python312Packages.libxml2Nix package
XML parsing library for C
libxml2python313Packages.libxml2Nix package
XML parsing library for C
libxsltlibxsltNix package
C library and tools to do XSL transformations
libxsltpython312Packages.libxsltNix package
C library and tools to do XSL transformations
libxsltpython313Packages.libxsltNix package
C library and tools to do XSL transformations
liefliefNix package
Library to Instrument Executable Formats
liefpython312Packages.liefNix package
Library to Instrument Executable Formats
liefpython313Packages.liefNix package
Library to Instrument Executable Formats
liquid-dspNix package
Digital signal processing library for software-defined radios
luabindluabindNix package
Library that helps you create bindings between C++ and Lua
luabindluabind_luajitNix package
Library that helps you create bindings between C++ and Lua
luksmetaNix package
Simple library for storing metadata in the LUKSv1 header
mailcore2Nix package
Simple and asynchronous API to work with e-mail protocols IMAP, POP and SMTP
malcontentNix package
Parental controls library
malcontent-uiNix package
UI components for parental controls library