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Showing entries 101-200 out of 926.
OCaml image processing library
Stream and Genlex libraries for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5
An OCaml library for reading, writing and modifying PDF files
A library for handling ZIP and GZIP files in OCaml
A Unicode library for OCaml
OCaml code generation plugin for the Cap'n Proto serialization framework
Unified interface to relational database libraries
Async support for Caqti
MariaDB driver for Caqti using C bindings
PostgreSQL driver for Caqti based on C bindings
Sqlite3 driver for Caqti using C bindings
Dynamic linking of Caqti drivers using findlib.dynload
Lwt support for Caqti
Date and time field types using the calendar library
Implementation of PACKv2 file in OCaml
Implementation of PACKv2 file in OCaml
Implementation of PACKv2 file in OCaml
Simple Core-inspired wrapper for standard library Stream module
ChaCha20, ChaCha12 and ChaCha8 encryption functions, in OCaml
Determine column width for a character
ADLER-32 and CRC32C
Chrome trace event generation library
Trivial metaprogramming tool
Verifiable Delay Functions bindings to Chia's VDF
HTTP(S) library for Lwt, Async and Mirage
CoHTTP implementation for the Async concurrency library
CoHTTP implementation using the Lwt concurrency library
CoHTTP implementation for the Js_of_ocaml JavaScript compiler
CoHTTP implementation for Unix and Windows using Lwt
CoHTTP implementation for the MirageOS unikernel
CoHTTP toplevel pretty printers for HTTP types
Websocket library for use with cohttp and async
A library for easily creating a cohttp handler for static files
A library to normalize an KOI8-{U,R} input to Unicode
Converts between different color formats
A network connection establishment library
A network connection establishment library for Async
A network connection establishment library for Lwt
A network connection establishment library for Lwt_unix
A network connection establishment library for MirageOS
A library providing a web-influenced polymorphic console API for native Console.log(anything) with…
A modular standard library focused on data structures
A set of advanced datatypes for containers
A library for building content-security policies
A cool implementation of normalization by evaluation (nbe) & elaboration for Cartesian cubical…
Industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library
Benchmarking library
Extra components that are not as closely vetted or as stable as Core
System-independent part of Core
Unix-specific portions of Core
Caml on the Web
PDF Command Line Tools
Core pinning library
Detect CPU features from OCaml
Property fuzzing for OCaml
OCaml client for the various icecast & shoutcast source protocols
A library of cryptographic primitives for OCaml
Minimal support for Canonical S-expressions
Access C-like structures directly from OCaml
Access C-like structures directly from OCaml
Access C-like structures directly from OCaml
Access C-like structures directly from OCaml
Access C-like structures directly from OCaml
A pure OCaml library to read and write CSV files
A pure OCaml library to read and write CSV files
Runtime support for ppx_xml_conv and ppx_csv_conv
Command line tool for handling CSV files
Library for binding to C libraries using pure OCaml
Dynamic access to foreign C libraries using Ctypes
Js_of_ocaml Javascript stubs for the OCaml ctypes library
A library for CUDF format
Curly is a brain dead wrapper around the curl command line utility
Debug adapter protocol
Library of JSON and binary encoding combinators
A date calculation library
DBF format parsing
Pure OCaml implementation of Zlib
A library for improving redability of multi-line string constants in code
Logical framework based on the λΠ-calculus modulo rewriting
Parsing of character (e.g., comma) separated and fixed-width values
Simple implementation of Discrete Interval Encoding Trees
An interface for diffs
Simple hash algorithms in OCaml
A library that provides a consistent API for common system, user and application directories consi…
An OCaml library that provides configuration, cache and data paths (and more!)
Path-based dispatching for client- and server-side applications
An Domain Name System (DNS) library
MirageOS let's encrypt certificate retrieval
Unix command line utilities using uDNS
Pure DNS resolver API
Pure DNS resolver API
Pure DNS resolver API
An opinionated Domain Name System (DNS) library
DNS resolver business logic
DNS server, primary and secondary
DNS stub resolver
TSIG support for DNS
DNSSec support for OCaml-DNS
An OCaml library providing clean and flexible parsers for input languages
A tool library for automated deduction tools