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Showing entries 301-400 out of 926.
GitHub APIv3 OCaml library
GitHub APIv3 data library
GitHub APIv3 JavaScript library
GitHub APIv3 Unix library
An implementation of a platform specific runtime code for driving network libraries based on state…
EIO runtime for gluten
An implementation of a platform specific runtime code for driving network libraries based on state…
An implementation of a platform specific runtime code for driving network libraries based on state…
Heterogenous maps over a GADT
Ocaml bindings to Gnuplot
A set of portable drawing primitives
Build GraphQL schemas and execute queries against them
Run GraphQL servers with “cohttp”
Build GraphQL schemas with Lwt support
Library for parsing GraphQL queries
GraphQL PPX rewriter for Bucklescript/ReasonML
OCaml bindings to the GNU Scientific Library
Bindings for the GStreamer library which provides functions for playning and manipulating multimed…
A high-performance, memory-efficient, and scalable HTTP/2 library for OCaml
Core parallel and shared memory library used by Hack, Flow, and Pyre
Auto-generated low-level OCaml bindings for EverCrypt/HACL*
Auto-generated low-level OCaml bindings for EverCrypt/HACL*
Connecting to a remote host via IP version 4 or 6
Connecting to a remote host via IP version 4 or 6 using Lwt_unix
Connecting to a remote host via IP version 4 or 6 using Mirage
OCaml hash-consing library
Mininal OCaml library providing hexadecimal converters
Hexadecimal encoding library
Bindings to Signal11's hidapi library
A library with an encoding of higher kinded types in OCaml
OCaml library for syntax highlighting
HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (RFC 5869)
Heterogeneous value maps for OCaml
An HPACK (Header Compression for HTTP/2) implementation in OCaml
HTTP client for MirageOS
A high-performance, memory-efficient, and scalable web server for OCaml
Lwt support for http/af
Hexdump in OCaml
Image formats such as PNG and PPM in OCaml
A library for building dynamic webapps, using Js_of_ocaml
Helpers for incremental operations on map like data structures
Handling of large set of incremental outputs from a single input
Library for incremental computations
A library for building strings with indentation
A platform-agnostic multi-level index
A small OCaml library to read and write .ini files
Bindings for Linux’s filesystem monitoring interface, inotify
Integers of various widths
Various signed and unsigned integer types for OCaml
Javascript stubs for the integers library in js_of_ocaml
IO memory page library for Mirage backends
IO Multiplexers for OCaml
A library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations
A library for manipulation of IP address representations using Cstructs
A library for manipulation of IP address representations usnig sexp
IRI (RFC3987) native OCaml implementation
A distributed database built on the same principles as Git
Irmin backend which allow to store values into chunks
Mergeable Irmin data structures
Generic file-system backend for Irmin
Git backend for Irmin
GraphQL server for Irmin
HTTP client and server for Irmin
MirageOS-compatible Irmin stores
MirageOS-compatible Irmin stores
MirageOS-compatible Irmin stores
Irmin backend which stores values in a pack file
Irmin test suite
Irmin implementation of the Tezos context hash specification
Portable Irmin watch backends using FSevents or Inotify
Simple sequence (iterator) datatype and combinators
Jane Street C header files
String representation with cheap concatenation
A library for parsing CPU capabilities out of the cpuid instruction
Tools for working with CSVs on the command line
A library that parses Java .class files into OCaml data structures
OCaml template engine almost compatible with jinja2
Additions to js_of_ocaml's standard library that are required by Jane Street libraries
Type-safe encoding to and decoding from JSON
Type-safe encoding to and decoding from JSON (bson support)
A library for parsing, manipulating, and serializing data structured as JSON
An OCaml non-blocking streaming codec to decode and encode the JSON data format
Jsonrpc protocol implementation in OCaml
Compile-time configuration for Jane Street libraries
Ocaml-junit is an OCaml package for the creation of JUnit XML reports, proving a typed API to prod…
Ocaml-junit is an OCaml package for the creation of JUnit XML reports, proving a typed API to prod…
Ocaml-junit is an OCaml package for the creation of JUnit XML reports, proving a typed API to prod…
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for OCaml
OCaml bindings for Kafka
STM based on lock-free MCAS
Fast implementation of queue in OCaml
OCaml library for exporting Kicad Sch files to SVG pictures
OCaml bindings for kqueue event notification interface
A library for using Kerberos for both Rpc and Tcp communication
OpenGL bindings for ocaml
An OCaml interface to GTK
OCaml interface to GTK 3
OCaml interface to GTK 3
OCaml interface to Gnome rsvg2 library
OCaml interface to GTK 3