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Showing entries 601-700 out of 926.
A unit test framework for OCaml
An experimental OCaml library to work with DWARF format
Numerical computing library for Ocaml
Numerical computing library for Ocaml
HTTP/AF and MirageOS
A CoHTTP client with its HTTP/AF implementation
Generalized map/reduce for multicore computing
Library for multicore parallel programming
Process strings into sets of command-line arguments
S-expression parsing library
A text formatting library that harnesses Reason JSX to provide intuitive terminal output
Small library for pretty coloring to Console output
File Diff using the Patience Diff algorithm
Checking glob patterns on paths
Diff library using Bram Cohen's patience diff algorithm
Password based key derivation functions (PBKDF) from PKCS#5
Runtime library for Protobuf tooling
Decode and encode PCAP (packet capture) files
An efficient C-library for pattern matching with Perl-style regular expressions in OCaml
Encoder/Decoder of Quoted-Printable (RFC2045 & RFC2047)
An interface to PostgreSQL databases for OCaml applications
An interface to PostgreSQL databases for OCaml applications
A collection of tools for generating, manipulating and - most of all - solving parity games
Universal schema language and a collection of tools built around it
A tool to export Kicad Sch files to SVG pictures
Portable OCaml interface to macOS/Linux/Windows native IO event notification mechanisms
An RPC which tracks state on the client and server so it only needs to send diffs across the wire
Polynomials over finite field
Bindings for the portaudio library which provides high-level functions for using soundcards
Base module for the posix bindings
Bindings for posix sockets
Posix-time2 provides the types and bindings for posix time APIs
Bindings for the types defined in <sys/types.h>
Binding to the posix *at functions
Bindings to the PostgreSQL library
A an alternative pretty printing library to the Format module of the OCaml standard library
Quote and highlight input fragments at a given source location
An OCaml library for pretty-printing textual documents
[@@deriving] plugin to generate accessors for use with the Accessor libraries
Assert-like extension nodes that raise useful errors on failure
The set of ppx rewriters for BAP
Base set of ppx rewriters
Syntax extension for writing in-line benchmarks in ocaml code
Generation of bin_prot readers and writers from types
Bitstrings and bitstring matching for OCaml - PPX extension
OCaml ppx to include binary data from a file as a string
Generation of comparison functions from types
A ppx that takes in css strings and produces a module for accessing the unique names defined withi…
Access C-like structures directly from OCaml
Preprocessor for easier stub generation with ocaml-ctypes
Printf-style format-strings for user-defined string conversion
PPX that exposes the source code string of an expression/module structure
Define a new ppx deriver by naming a runtime module
Shared [@@deriving] plugin registry
Deriving is a library simplifying type-driven code generation on OCaml >=4.02
Ppx_deriving plugin for generating command line interfaces from types for OCaml
A Protocol Buffers codec generator for OCaml
PPX Deriver for QCheck
Ppx deriver for ocaml-rpc
A YAML codec generator for OCaml
A Yojson codec generator for OCaml >= 4.04
Generate a list containing all values of a finite type
Cram like framework for OCaml
Generation of accessor and iteration functions for ocaml records
Simpler notation for fixed point literals
A ppx rewriter that transforms a recursive module expression into a struct
A ppx rewriter that generates functions to copy local values to the global heap
A ppx rewriter that generates hash functions from type expressions and definitions
Ignore Jane Street specific instrumentation extensions
A syntax extension for importing declarations from interface files
Syntax extension for writing in-line tests in ocaml code
PPX deriver for Irmin generics
Standard Jane Street ppx rewriters
Code style checker for Jane Street Packages
[@@deriving] plugin to generate Jsonaf conversion functions
Monadic let-bindings
Ppx_sexp_message-like extension nodes for lazily rendering log messages
Optics with lun package and PPX
Ppx rewriter that records top-level module startup times
An OCaml Syntax Extension for all Monadic Syntaxes
Optional compilation for OCaml
Pattern matching on flat options
A ppx for writing fast incremental bind nodes in a pattern match
A ppx rewriter that inlines reverse application operators |> and |!
A [@@deriving] plugin to generate Python conversion functions
PPX deriver for type representations
[@@deriving] plugin to generate S-expression conversion functions
A ppx rewriter for easy construction of s-expressions
A ppx rewriter that simplifies building s-expressions from ocaml values
OCaml PPX deriver for deriving show based on ppxlib
Stable types conversions generator
Ppx extension for deriving a witness that a type is intended to be stable
Ppx extension for string interpolation
Tools for authors of ppx rewriters
Tools for authors of syntactic tools (such as ppx rewriters)
Let expressions, inferring pattern type from expression
GADT-based field accessors and utilities