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Showing entries 2501-2600 out of 18345.
Easily add functionality to your lightning node
Glue between clr-host and clr-typed
Hosting the Common Language Runtime
Quasiquoters for inline C# and F#
Marshaling for the clr
A strongly typed Haskell interface to the CLR type system
A GHC linker wrapper tool to workaround a GHC >8.2 bug
cltwNix package
Command line Twitter utility
cluaNix package
C to Lua data wrapper generator
Calculate the clumpiness of leaf properties in a tree
clussNix package
Simple alternative to type classes
Libary for parsing Clustal tools output
High performance clustering algorithms
Tools for manipulating sequence clusters
Bindings to the Clutter animation library
cmaesNix package
CMA-ES wrapper in Haskell
Parser for the CMake syntax (CMakeLists.txt and .cmake files)
cmarkNix package
Fast, accurate CommonMark (Markdown) parser and renderer
Fast, accurate GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer
Code highlighting for cmark
Use cmark with Lucid
Pattern synonyms for cmark
Represent cmark-parsed Markdown as a tree of sections
cmathNix package
A binding to the standard C math library
Data model, parser, serialiser and transformations for Content MathML 3
Infernal covariance model comparison
Library to compose and reuse command line fragments
Command line argument processing
Helper to enter cmdargs command lines using a web browser
A library for command line parsing & online help
Declarative command-line option parsing and documentation library
cmfNix package
(C)oncurrent (M)onoidal (F)olds
cmlNix package
Events and Channels as in Concurrent ML
A library for C-like programming
cmphNix package
Low level interface to CMPH
Compare types of any kinds
CMQNix package
Cwmwl udp message queue
cmtNix package
Write consistent git commit messages
cmuNix package
Unification in a Commutative Monoid
cmvNix package
Detailed visualization of CMs, HMMs and their comparisions
Compiler/Translator for CnC Specification Files
Chinese/Mandarin <-> English dictionary, Chinese lexer
Hardware software co-design Feldspar
Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
Asynchronous backend for co-log library
Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
Structured messages support in co-log ecosystem
Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
A Polysemy logging effect for high quality (unstructured) logs
Syslog implementation on top of 'co-log-core'
A generic build tool
DSV (de)serialization
cobotNix package
Computational biology toolkit to collaborate with researchers in constructive protein engineering
Biological data file formats and IO
Biological data file formats and IO
Simple system for generating code
Synthesize Haskell functions out of partial definitions
Windows code page library for Haskell
codecNix package
Simple bidirectional serialization
Erlang VM byte code assembler
LZF compression bindings
An FFI interface to the DevIL library
Cross-platform structure serialisation
A library to read and write mailboxes in mbox format
A library for manipulating RPM files support for Haskell
Command line interface to interact with Codeforces
Tool that automatically runs arbitrary commands when files change on disk
Submit and retrieve paste output from
codetNix package
GHC type-checker plugin for solving LiftT instances from codet
Graphics library for CodeWorld
codexNix package
A ctags file generator for cabal project dependencies
A notation for comonads, analogous to the do-notation for monads
Having trouble deriving instances because of type roles?
Utils for Data
Coercible but only in one direction
Utility functions for Coercible types
Extra utilities for manipulating nominal and representational coercions
Generate clang-format config based on some existing code base
DEPRECATED: use the "contravariant" package
Utilities for Cognimeta products (such as perdure)
coinNix package
Simple account manager
Connector library for the coinbase exchange
Client for Coinbase Pro
Equivariant CSM classes of coincident root loci
Linear Programming using COIN-OR/CLP and comfort-array
Generate CSV & XLSX files for importing into CoinTracking
Colada implements incremental word class class induction using online LDA
Rudimentary JSON-RPC 2.0 client over raw TCP
File transfer via QR Codes
Generate animated 3d objects in COLLADA
Data exchange between graphics applications
Collapse the duplication output into clones and return their frequencies
Utility for collapsing adjacent writes
An Applicative Functor for extracting parts of a stream of values
Error monad with a Float instance
Collection+JSON—Hypermedia Type Tools
Useful standard collections types and related functions
API for collection data structures