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Showing entries 2401-2500 out of 18547.
Simple heuristic for packing discs of varying radii in a circle
The CircleCI REST API for Haskell
An implementation of the "circuit breaker" pattern to disable repeated calls to a failing system
A source plugin for manipulating circuits in clash with a arrow notation
Circular fixed-sized mutable vectors
Make bounded enum types circular
Types and a small DSL for working with netlistsvg
Cirru Parser in Haskell
Cirru Parser in Haskell
DEPRECATED in favor of webex-teams-api
Convert document IDs such as DOI, ISBN, arXiv ID to bibliographic reference
citeprocciteprocNix package
Generates citations and bibliography from CSL styles
citeprocciteproc_0_8_1_2Nix package
Generates citations and bibliography from CSL styles
A Citation Style Language implementation in Haskell
A Pandoc filter for processing bibliographic references with citeproc-hs
Bindings to CityHash
A new Haskeleton package
cjkNix package
Data about Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters and languages
cl3Nix package
Clifford Algebra of three dimensional space
Interface to/from Cl3 and HMatrix
Interface to/from Cl3 and Linear
clacNix package
Simple CLI RPN calculator
Compiles Clafer models to other formats: Alloy, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, Dot
ClaferIG is an interactive tool that generates instances of Clafer models
A wiki-based IDE for literate modeling with Clafer
JSON Compilation Database Format encoding and decoding
Pure C++ code analysis with libclang
Command-line spaced-repetition software
API Client for the Clarifai API
CLASENix package
Cursor Library for A Structured Editor
clashNix package
CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware (CLaSH)
Clash: a functional hardware description language - GHC frontend
Clash: a functional hardware description language - As a library
Hedgehog Generators for clash-lib
Clash/Fpga library for working with multiple elements arriving at same clock as stream
Clash: a functional hardware description language - Prelude library
Hedgehog Generators for clash-prelude
QuickCheck instances for various types in the CλaSH Prelude
Shake rules for building Clash programs
CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - SystemVerilog backend
CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - Verilog backend
CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - VHDL backend
Automated Clash to Verilator bridge
Typified Tailwind for Rapid Development
Library for classification of media files
Classify sounds produced by Xenopus laevis
Stating and checking laws for type class methods
An interface for a handler-independent, typeclass-based effect system
An interface for a handler-independent, typeclass-based effect system
Automatic compliance with the classy-effects protocols
Super simple InfluxDB package in Classy-MTL style
Typeclass based support for Miso, the Tasty Web Framework for Haskell
Fork of the monad-parallel package using monad-control
A typeclass-based Prelude
Classy-prelude together with conduit functions
Provide a classy prelude including common Yesod functionality
Fuseable type-class based generics
Prelude replacement using classes instead of concrete types where reasonable
clayclayNix package
CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell
clayclay_0_15_0Nix package
CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell
A secure, reliable content management system (CMS) and blogging platform
A command-line interface for adminstrating some aspects of clckwrks
Bug tracking plugin for clckwrks
Ircbot plugin for clckwrks
Mailing list plugin for clckwrks
Media plugin for clckwrks
Support for CMS/Blogging in clckwrks
Support redirects for CMS/Blogging in clckwrks
Simple bootstrap based template for clckwrks
Simple bootstrap based template for clckwrks
Geo bootstrap based template for clckwrks
cld2Nix package
Haskell bindings to Google's Compact Language Detector 2
CleanNix package
A light, clean and powerful utility library
Keep your home dir clean by finding old conf files
Open unions without need for Typeable
cleffNix package
Fast and concise extensible effects
Automatic disambiguation for extensible effects
clerkNix package
Declaratively describe spreadsheets
clessNix package
Colorized LESS
Testing framework for Morley
A CSS preprocessor
Lexes C++ code into simple tokens
cliNix package
CLINix package
CLI tools
A library to process command line arguments in some more convenient way
A library to process command line arguments in some more convenient way
Simple project template from stack
Miscellaneous utilities for building and working with command line interfaces
Bindings to the git command-line interface
Bindings to the nix command-line interface
Helper setup scripts for packaging command-line tools
Toy game (tetris on billiard board)
ClickHouse driver
A Haskell library as database client for Clickhouse
clientsessionclientsessionNix package
Securely store session data in a client-side cookie
clientsessionclientsession_0_9_3_0Nix package
Securely store session data in a client-side cookie
clifNix package
A Clifford algebra number type for Haskell
A Clifford algebra library