Showing entries 101-200 out of 509.
GUI to profilers such as Valgrind
KCalendarCore - Library for Interfacing with Calendars
Tool to select and copy special characters from all installed fonts
Utilities for interacting with KCModules
KCodecs provide a collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings
A small utility to select a color
Qt based Color Picker with popup menu
Classes to read and interact with KColorScheme
Widgets for KConfig
KContacts - Library for working with contact information
DAV protocol implementation with KJobs
Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
Scripts and setting files useful during development of KDE software
Small utilities for developers using KDE/Qt libs/frameworks
Syncs KDE settings to GTK applications
Tooling for monitoring inotify limits and informing the user when they have been or about to be re…
Application to choose which QLoggingCategory are displayed
Multi-platform app that allows your devices to communicate
Plugin-based library to create window decorations
KDE Daemon
Shared icons, artwork and data files for educational applications
A collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files
Thumbnailers for various graphics file formats
Samba file sharing plugin for file properties
Add-ons for KDE PIM apps (KMail, KAddressBook etc.)
Akonadi agents and resources
All kind of add-ons to improve your Plasma experience
KIO workers useful for software development
Plugins for the thumbnailing system
KDevelop Python language support
KDevelop Parser Generator, used in the PHP language plugin and others
KDNSSD Framework
Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component
Library for finding WS-Discovery devices in the network using Qt5 and KDSoap
Bookmarks editor
A library for extracting file metadata
KFourInLine is a four-in-a-row game
Adjust your monitor's gamma settings
Geography Trainer
Daemon providing Global Keyboard Shortcut (Accelerator) functionality
KGoldrunner is a game of action and puzzle solving
GraphViz dot graph viewer
Handling of digital vaccination, test and recovery certificates
Software documentation viewer
KHolidays: Library to assist determining when holidays occur
Library to assist in handling user identities
Tool for annotating images
Generator of HTML image maps
View information about your computer's hardware
Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
KIO Worker to access Google Drive
KIO worker to discover file systems by DNS-SD (zeroconf)
Add-ons for the Kirigami framework
Kirigami component gallery application