Showing entries 301-400 out of 509.
Framework for collecting user feedback for apps via telemetry and surveys
KWallet: Credential Storage
PAM Integration with KWallet - Unlock KWallet when you login
Tool to manage the passwords on your system
KWayland provides a Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries
Integration plugins for various KDE frameworks for the Wayland windowing system
Library to facilitate retrieval of weather information including forecasts and alerts
Easy to use, but flexible, Wayland Compositor
Listen to traditional system notifications
KDE KWin Script for snapping windows into zones
Qt component to allow applications to make use of the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol
Library that provides Gravatar support
Library for reading and writing simple structured data
Library for interfacing with CDs
Common code and data for many KDE games
Library to parse, convert, and manipulate KVTML files
Common code, backgrounds and tile sets for games using Mahjongg tiles
Library to compare files and strings, used in Kompare and KDevelop
KDE's screen management software
Library to retrieve information on the current status of computer hardware
BitTorrent protocol implementation
Plasma library and runtime components
Accessibilty tools helper library, used e.g. by screen readers
C++ library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers
Free Pascal Qt6 binding library
Qt5/Qt6 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix
Lieutenant Skat (from German Offiziersskat) is a fun and engaging card game for two players
Library which provides support for mail applications
Library that implements importing of emails from various other email clients
MapLibre Native Qt Bindings and Qt Location Plugin
KPart for rendering Markdown content
Visualizer for Valgrind Massif data files
Wizard to assist with importing MBox email archives into Akonadi
Merkuro is a application suite designed to make handling your emails, calendars, contacts, and tas…
Library components for messages (e.g. displaying Akonadi collections)
A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
Parser for MIME trees
Open source multimedia framework, designed for television broadcasting
Qt wrapper for ModemManager DBus API.Report bugs in, under product frameworks-modemma…
Qt wrapper for NetworkManager API.Report bugs in, under product frameworks-networkman…
Ocean Sound Theme for Plasma
The Oxygen Style for Qt/KDE Applications
Oxygen icon theme
The Oxygen Sound Theme
System to facilitate installing and updating packages - Qt
Manage the disk devices, partitions and file systems on your computer
VLC backend for the Phonon multimedia library
Application to assist you with backing up and archiving of PIM data
Application to assist with editing IMAP Sieve filters
Core components for the KDE's Activities System
A library for accessing the usage data collected by the activities system
Components necessary to integrate browsers into the Plasma Desktop
Plasma for the Desktop
Dialer for Plasma Mobile
Monitors S.M.A.R.T. capable devices for imminent failure
Control Panel for your system firewall
Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for Plasma Workspaces
Plasma shell for mobile devices
A minimal Plasma shell package
Plasma applet written in QML for managing network connections
Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio
Applications useful for Plasma development
An interface for monitoring system sensors, process information and other system resources
Plasma integration for controlling Thunderbolt devices
Plasma applet and services for creating encrypted vaults
Plasma Wayland Protocols
A friendly onboarding wizard for Plasma
Various components needed to run a Plasma-based environment
Wallpapers for Plasma Workspaces
Support components for porting from KF5/Qt5 to KF6/Qt6
Kirigami YouTube video player based on QtMultimedia and youtube-dl
KCM to manage the Plymouth (Boot) theme