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Showing entries 201-300 out of 509.
kitenNix package
Japanese Reference/Study Tool
Data Model and Extraction System for Travel Reservation information
Framework for interacting with systemd-journald
KJumpingCube is a simple tactical game
kldapNix package
Library to assist working with LDAP directories
Certificate manager and GUI for OpenPGP and CMS cryptography
klettresNix package
Learn The Alphabet
A note-taking and management application using markdown
klicketyNix package
Klickety is an adaptation of the Clickomania game
klinesNix package
KLines is a simple but highly addictive, one player game
kmagNix package
Screen magnifier
KMahjongg is a tile matching game for one or two players
kmailNix package
State-of-the-art feature-rich email client that supports many protocols
Application which assists you with the configuration of accounts in KMail
Library, KCM and KDED module to manage mail transport
kmboxNix package
Library for working with MBox format files
Menu Editor for Plasma Workspaces
kmimeNix package
Library to assist handling MIME data
kminesNix package
KMines is the classic Minesweeper game
kmixNix package
Volume control program
Program that clicks the mouse for you
kmouthNix package
Type-and-say front end for speech synthesizers
kmplotNix package
Mathematical Function Plotter
Naval Battle is a ship sinking game
knetwalkNix package
KNetWalk: connect all the terminals to the server, in as few turns as possible
knightsNix package
Chess board program
Scheduling LIGHT/DARK Theme Converter for the KDE Plasma Desktop
kokoNix package
Image gallery application
kolfNix package
Kolf is a miniature golf game with 2d top-down view
Kollision is a simple ball dodging game
Easy-to-use paint program
kompareNix package
Graphical File Differences Tool
kongressNix package
Companion application for conferences
Web browser and Swiss Army knife for any kind of file management and previewing
konquestNix package
Konquest is the KDE version of Gnu-Lactic
konsoleNix package
Terminal emulator by KDE
kontactNix package
Container application to unify several major PIM applications
Support libraries to assist integration with Kontact
kontrastNix package
Tool to check contrast for colors that allows verifying that your colors are correctly accessible
User-friendly and fully-featured IRC client
Library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions
Organizational assistant, providing calendars and other similar functionality
OSM multi-floor indoor map renderer
This framework lets applications to manage user installable packages of non-binary assets
kpatNix package
KPatience offers a selection of solitaire card games
A library that provides access to all contacts and the people who hold them
Library that provides extended text editor for PIM applications
Components relating to Flatpak 'pipewire' use in Plasma
kpkpassNix package
Apple Wallet Pass reader
kpmcoreNix package
KDE Partition Manager core library
Library to assist with accessing public transport timetables and other data
QtQuick plugin to render beautiful and interactive charts
A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts
Set of QtQuick components providing basic image editing capabilities
krdcNix package
Remote Desktop Client
krdpNix package
Library and examples for creating an RDP server
Audio recorder for Plasma Mobile and other platforms
kreversiNix package
KReversi is is a simple one player strategy game played against the computer
krfbNix package
Desktop Sharing
Dynamic Tiling Extension for KWin 6
Language interpreters to enable in-process scripting with Kross
krulerNix package
A pixel measuring tool by KDE
Framework for providing different actions given a string query
Library providing logic to interface scanners
KDE's screen management software
Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
kshisenNix package
Shisen-Sho is a solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles
ksirkNix package
KsirK is a computerized version of a well known strategy game
ksmtpNix package
Job-based library to send email through an SMTP server
KSnakeDuel is a simple snake duel game
KSpaceDuel: each of two possible players controls a satellite spaceship orbiting the sun
ksquaresNix package
KSquares is modeled after the well known pen and paper based game of Dots and Boxes
Ssh-add helper that uses KWallet and KPasswordDialog
Implementation of Status Notifier Items
ksudokuNix package
KSudoku is a logic-based symbol placement puzzle
Components for handling SVGs
KDE SystemLog Application
A plugin based system monitoring daemon
kteatimeNix package
Handy timer for steeping tea
Various text handling addons
KTextEditor Framework
Library to allow application developers to separate the structure of documents from the data they …
ktimerNix package
Little tool to execute programs after some time
ktnefNix package
Libraries to work with TNEF Email Attachments
ktorrentNix package
Powerful BitTorrent client
ktouchNix package
Touch Typing Tutor
ktripNix package
Public Transport Assistance for Mobile Devices
KTuberling is a simple constructor game suitable for children and adults alike
kturtleNix package
Educational programming environment that uses TurtleSpeak
kubrickNix package
Kubrick is based on the famous Rubik's Cube
UnifiedPush client components