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Showing entries 7301-7400 out of 8557.
What-If Tool TensorBoard plugin
Library for writing tensorboard-compatible logs
A pytorch dedicated tensor container
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
python3.11-tensorflowtensorflowWithoutCudaNix package
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
Library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow
TensorFlow Estimator is a high-level API that encapsulates model training, evaluation, prediction,…
TensorFlow Estimator is a high-level API that encapsulates model training, evaluation, prediction,…
TensorFlow Estimator is a high-level API that encapsulates model training, evaluation, prediction,…
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
Standard representations for metadata that are useful when training machine learning models with T…
Library for probabilistic reasoning and statistical analysis
Tensor learning in Python
Python bindings for TensorRT, a high-performance deep learning interface
Library for reading and writing large multi-dimensional arrays
ANSI color formatting for output in terminal
A python command-line tool which draws basic graphs in the terminal
Terminals served by Tornado websockets
Display simple tables in terminals
Matplotlib for your terminal
Console colouring for python
A software composition analysis tool and Python library that generates a Software Bill of Material…
Python library for Tesla Fleet API and Teslemetry
Library for communicating with a Tesla Wall Connector
Python library to work with Tesla API
A module for calculating and analyzing Voronoi tessellations
A simple, Pillow-friendly, wrapper around the tesseract-ocr API for Optical Character Recognition …
Framework-agnostic library to track and parallelize hyperparameter search in machine learning expe…
A unit testing framework extension for testing code in Jupyter Notebooks
Allows using docker containers for functional and integration testing
Collection of helpers and mock objects for unit tests and doc tests
Use temporary postgresql instance in testing
Test utilities for code working with files and commands
A Python wrapper of the TestRail API
A database of test results which can be used as part of developer workflow
Pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources
A pyunit extension for dependency injection
A set of extensions to the Python standard library's unit testing framework
Fault-tolerant Python3 package for searching, navigating, and modifying LaTeX documents
The most basic Text::Unidecode port
Higher-level text processing, built on spaCy
Python library for comparing distance between two or more sequences
Python module for parsing semi-structured text into python tables
MOdule for generating web text
Text analysis with networks
Module to generate a formatted text table, using ASCII characters
TUI framework for Python inspired by modern web development
Development tools for Textual
Textual plugin for a DirectoryTree compatible with remote filesystems
Textwrap from Python 3.6 backport plus a few tweaks
Domain-specific languages and parsers in Python
Convert TensorFlow, Keras, Tensorflow.js and Tflite models to ONNX
Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow
Pure Python TFTP library
Fast and Portable Telegram Crypto Library for Python
A Python library for large-scale array computation
A Python library for large-scale array computation
A Python library for large-scale array computation
A Python library for large-scale array computation
A Python library for large-scale array computation
A Python library for large-scale array computation
Fuzzy string matching for Python
Python 3 version of logrus
Library for Thermobeacon BLE devices
Library for Thermopro BLE devices
Python Actor concurrency library
Library for NLP machine learning
Interface to the PM100A/D power meter from Thorlabs
A library to run tornado coroutines from synchronous Python
Easy to use object-oriented thread pool framework
Helpers to limit number of threads used in native libraries
Module for adding unittests.mock as view functions
Simple library for merging two strings with respect to a base one
Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
Python module for Apache Thrift
Zero-dependency Python package for easy throttling with asyncio support
A lightweight wrapper around urllib
Unofficial Python API for TIDAL music streaming service
Raise rich, helpful exceptions
Read and write image data from and to TIFF files
A Python binding to the Apache Tika™ REST services
A modern Python REST client for Apache Tika server
Tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models
Save matplotlib figures as TikZ/PGFplots for smooth integration into LaTeX
Python interface to the TileDB storage manager
Tool for quantizing image colors using tile-based palette restrictions
N-dimensional NumPy array tiling and merging with overlapping, padding and tapering
A tile server for rendered geographic data
Library for Tilt BLE devices
Travel through time in your tests
Python module to format past datetime output
A port of the most excellent TimeCop Ruby Gem for Python