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Showing entries 26201-26300 out of 29379.
Prioritization of Candidate Cancer Subtype Specific Drugs
Visual Exploration of Protein Alignments Resulting from Multiple Substitution Matrices
Survival Control Charts Estimation Software
R Interface to 'Sudachi'
Identify Sudden Gains in Longitudinal Data
Sudoku Puzzle Generator and Solver
Tools for Making and Spoiling Sudoku Games
Sudoku as an Experimental Design
r-SUENix package
Suess and Laws Corrections for Marine Stable Carbon Isotope Data
Sufficient Forecasting using Factor Models
Create Tessellated Hexagon Maps
Create Glyph-Maps of Spatiotemporal Data
Declare when Suggested Packages are Needed
Supporting Graphs for Analysing Time Series
Mean Square Prediction Error Estimation in Small Area Estimation
Fast Region-Based Association Tests on Summary Statistics
Easy Calculation and Visualisation of Confidence Intervals
Building Polygenic Risk Score Using GWAS Summary Statistics
Tools to Quickly and Neatly Summarize Data
Module to Compute Influence and Leverage Statistics for Regression Models with Clustered Errors
Small-Area-Estimation Unit/Area Models and Methods for Estimation in R
Generating Multi-Omics Datasets
Approximate Summation of Series
Permutation True Discovery Guarantee by Sum-Based Tests
Sunburst 'Htmlwidget'
Compute Sun Position, Sunlight Phases, Moon Position and Lunar Phase
Survival Analysis using Copulas
Sub-National Geospatial Data Archive: Geoprocessing Toolkit
Constructing Suns-Voc from Outdoor Time-Series I-V Curves
Calculate Sun Position, Sunrise, Sunset, Solar Noon and Twilight
The Self-Updating Process Clustering Algorithms
Supervised Clustering of Predictor Variables Such as Genes
Supervised Cluster Analysis
Interpreted String Literals
Summary Plots with Adjusted Error Bars
Generating Robust Biclusters from a Bicluster Set (Ensemble Biclustering)
Simplification of scRNA-Seq Data by Merging Together Similar Cells
Superpixels of Spatial Data
Supervised Compression of Big Data
A Comprehensive Test Suite for Testing Markov Chain Nonconvergence
Exact Test and Visualization of Multi-Set Intersections
Superfast Likelihood Inference for Stationary Gaussian Time Series
A Graphical Tool for Exploring Complex Datasets Using Heatmaps
Super Learner Prediction
SuperLearner Method for MICE
Build Machine Learning Models Like Using Python's Scikit-Learn Library in R
Judd, McClelland, & Ryan Formatting for ANOVA Output
Supervised Principal Components
Superpixel Image Segmentation
Simulation-Based Power Analysis for Factorial Designs
Sequential Rank Agreement
Supervised Classification Learning and Prediction using Patient Rule Induction Method (PRIM)
Detecting Structural Change with Heteroskedasticity
Downloading Supplementary Data from Published Manuscripts
Supplementary Distributions
Support Functions for Wrangling and Visualization
r-surNix package
Companion to "Statistics Using R: An Integrative Approach"
Bayesian Analysis of Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models
Surrogate Residuals for Ordinal and General Regression Models
A Novel Multi-Disease Automated Phenotyping Method for the EHR
Fitting Hansen Models to Investigate Convergent Evolution
Find Optimal Sampling Locations Based on Spatial Covariate(s)
Calculate Surface/Image Texture Indexes
Create Datasets with Hidden Images in Residual Plots
Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials
Flexible Evaluation of Surrogate Markers with Bayesian Model Averaging
Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by Surrogate Outcome Information
Rank-Based Test to Evaluate a Surrogate Marker
Surrogate Outcome Regression Analysis
Goodness-of-Fit Analysis for Categorical Data using the Surrogate R-Squared
Early Testing for a Treatment Effect using Surrogate Marker Information
Evaluation of Failure Time Surrogate Endpoints in Individual Patient Data Meta-Analyses