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Showing entries 26601-26700 out of 29379.
Create Satisficing 'Excel', 'HTML', 'LaTeX', and 'RTF' Tables using a Simple Formula
Tabulate Descriptive Statistics in Multiple Formats
Automatically Convert Hierarchical for-Human Tables to Machine-Readable LongForm Dataframes
Export Data Frames to Excel Workbook
Fit 'TabNet' Models for Classification and Regression
Get Data from 'Taboola' via the '' API
Music Notation Syntax, Manipulation, Analysis and Transcription in R
Reshape Disorganised Messy Data
Extract Tables from PDF Documents
Tidy Tools for 'Raster' Data
Create Tile-Grid Geographical Maps
Tabular Maximum Likelihood Classifier
Pretty Console Output for Tables
Efficient Tabulation with Stata-Like Output
Parsing Semi-Structured Log Files into Tabular Format
Tabu Search Algorithm for Binary Configurations
User-Friendly Tables with Color Helpers for Data Exploration
Positron Emission Tomography Time-Activity Curve Analysis
New and Extended Plots, Methods, and Panel Functions for 'lattice'
r-TADNix package
Realize the Trait Abundance Distribution
Supporting Tools for Tada Science
r-TAFNix package
Transparent Assessment Framework for Reproducible Research
r-TAGNix package
Transformed Additive Gaussian Processes
Tag Clouds
Tagging and Organizing Objects in R
Work with Data from High-Resolution Biologging Tags
Tail Classifier
Minimum Distance Estimation of Tail Dependence Models
Estimate the Probability in the Upper Tail of the Aggregate Loss Distribution
The Tail-Rank Statistic
Symmetric Transformation of Tails for Plotting Differences
Tool for Annotating Images in Preparation for Analysis
Analysis of Differential Calorimetry Scans
Plotting Conversation Data
r-TAMNix package
Test Analysis Modules
Timing, Anatomical, Therapeutic and Chemical Based Medication Clustering
Design Shaded Contour Lines (or Tanaka) Maps
A Two-Stage Approach to Maximize Interpretability of Drug Response Models Based on Multiple Molecu…
Feature Selection in Highly Correlated Spaces
Write Chinese Tang Poems
The Grammar of Tables
Flexible Tree Taper Curves Based on Semiparametric Mixed Models
Wrapper for 'tapkee' Dimension Reduction Library
Seamless Single Sign-on for 'shiny'
Trait Matching and Abundance for Predicting Bipartite Networks
Manage Tick-by-Tick Transaction Data
r-TARNix package
Bayesian Modeling of Autoregressive Threshold Time Series Models
Archetypes for Targets
Text Analysis with Rules and Dictionaries for Inferring Sentiment
Targeted Inference
Replicate Tariff Method for Verbal Autopsy
'Text Analyzer Shiny'
Analysis and Prediction of Bicycle Rental Amount
Easy Pie Charts
Two-Group Ta-Test
Combine and Export Data Frames
Technology Appraisal Toolbox for Health Economic Evaluations in the Netherlands
r-tauNix package
Text Analysis Utilities
Tau Measure with Right-Censored Data
Efficient Computation and Testing of the Bergsma-Dassios Sign Covariance
Get Data Out of 'Tautulli' (Formerly 'PlexPy')
Classes for Storing and Manipulating Taxonomic Data
A High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database Interface
A Lightweight and Lightning-Fast Taxonomic Naming Interface
Feature-Wise Normalization for Microbiome Sequencing Data
Taxicab Correspondence Analysis
Taxonomic Information from Around the Web
Tools for Working with 'Taxonomic' Databases
Handling Taxonomic Lists
Formatting Taxonomic Names in Markdown
Create Custom Taxonomies Based on the NCBI Taxonomy and GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
Functions to Work with NCBI Accessions and Taxonomy