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Showing entries 13401-13500 out of 54071.
Simple command-line utility to convert PDF into text
Wrapper around the pdfinfo command
Name a PDF file using information from the pdfinfo command
Split two-column PDFs, so there is one column per page
Extracts text from PDF using poppler
Pdynload is polymorphic dynamic linking library
Experiemental library for composable interactive programs
Peano numbers
Simple Peano numbers
Lazy Peano numbers including observable infinity value
GADT type witnesses for Peano-style natural numbers
Pec embedded compiler
Parser for PE/COFF format
An implementation of Pedersen commitment schemes
A pedestrian implementation of directed acyclic graphs
peerflixnodePackagesNix package
Streaming torrent client for Node.js
peerflixnodePackages_latestNix package
Streaming torrent client for Node.js
peerflix-servernodePackagesNix package
Streaming torrent client for node.js with web ui
peerflix-servernodePackages_latestNix package
Streaming torrent client for node.js with web ui
A lazy non-deterministic concatenative programming language
The Parser Generator for Haskell
Package to solve the Generalized Pell Equation
Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer
Static site generator
Tools for manipulating the Penn TreeBank
Parser combinators for trees in the Penn Treebank format
Extensible double-entry accounting system
Deprecated - use penny package instead
Deprecated - use penny package instead
Create beautiful diagrams just by typing mathematical notation in plain text
Library to explore Penrose's Kite and Dart Tilings
A parser for PE object files
Percent encode/decode ByteStrings
Simple printf-style string formatting
The perceptron learning algorithm
Find duplicate images
Robust persistence for acyclic immutable data
Database migration support for use in other libraries
perfperfNix package
Low-level run time measurement
perfperf_0_14_0_1Nix package
Performance methods and monad
Analysis example using perf
Perfect minimal hashing implementation in native Haskell
Library for performing vector shuffles
A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values
A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values
Perhaps, a monad
Parse and format date periods, collapse and expand their text representations
A reliable at-least-once periodic job scheduler backed by redis
Periodic task system haskell client
Periodic task system haskell client executables
Periodic task system common
A library for working with periodic polynomials (very basic functionality)
Periodic task system haskell server
Permutation Applicative and Monad with many mtl instances
A library for permutations and combinations
Permutations of finite sets
Generalised permutation parser combinator
Permutations of effectful computations
Minimal serialization library with focus on performance
Serialization library with state and leb128 encoding
Transforms persist's quasi-quoted syntax into ER format
Binding between SQL database values and haskell records
HDBC and Relational-Record instances of PostgreSQL extended types
A versatile library for topological data analysis
Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization
Parses a Persist Model file and produces Audit Models
Helper functions for writing Persistent instances
Parse DATABASE_URL into configuration types for Persistent
Persistent module discover utilities
Documentation DSL for persistent entities
Persistent equivalence relations (aka union-find)
Persistent based event sourcing
Persistent based event sourcing
Derive Persistent classes generically
Declare Persistent entities using SQL SELECT query syntax
Persistent instances for types in iproute
Code for using the ip package with yesod
Persistent instances for types in iproute
Lens helpers for persistent
A thread-safe (STM) persistency interface for finite map types
Manual migrations for the persistent library
Backend for the persistent library using mongoDB
Monad transformer for the persistent API
Backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server
A pure haskell backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server
A pure haskell backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server
Backend for the persistent library using ODBC
Efficient and correct pagination for persistent or esqueleto queries
Parse persistent model files
Backend for the persistent library using postgresql
Memory-constant streaming of Persistent entities from PostgreSQL
Template-Haskell helpers for integrating protobufs with persistent
Provides a quasi-quoter for raw SQL for persistent
A library for rate limiting activities with a persistent backend
Backend for persistent library using Redis
Haskell references backed by an IntMap for persistence and reversibility
Relational-record on persisten backends
Database agnostic, spatially indexed type for geographic points
Monad classes for running queries with Persistent and Esqueleto
Backend for the persistent library using sqlite3