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Showing entries 13201-13300 out of 54071.
Prelude with only useful functions
Prelude with only useful functions
Prelude with only useful functions
Export useful functions from semigroupoids
Useful semigroupoids functions reimplemented
Prelude with only useful functions
Export useful functions
Useful functions reimplemented
A passphrase generator
Packrat parser
Packrat parsing; linear-time parsers for grammars in TDPL
The Haskell library and examples for the kids programming robot paprika
ParDual class for Parallel <-> Sequential
Traverse a directory in parallel
Text paragraph formatting
A code generator for partial differential equations solvers
Parallel programming library
BaseSpecs used for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ and Co
Multithreaded evaluation using Arrows
Eden based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@
GpH based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ in a multicore variant
Par Monad (@monad-par@) based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@
Combinators for executing IO actions in parallel on a thread pool
This library is useful for running a large amount of parallel tasks that run on top of the IO mona…
Parallel Tree Search
Parameterized/indexed monoids and monads using only a single parameter type variable
Parameterized data library implementing lightweight dependent types
Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types
A known-parametric Functor typeclass
Generate labelled test/benchmark trees from sets of parameters
Http proxy server
parcelnodePackages.parcelNix package
Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
parcelnodePackages.parcel-bundlerNix package
Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
parcelnodePackages_latest.parcelNix package
Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
parcelnodePackages_latest.parcel-bundlerNix package
Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
Generalised parser combinators
Generalised parser combinators - Attoparsec interface
Generalised parser combinators - Parsec interface
A simple parser-combinator library, a bit like Parsec but without the frills
Examples to accompany the book "Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell"
A library for cause-effect relationships
Monoids for dealing with Pareto efficiency
Parser combinators with fast-path and slower fallback for error reporting
A quick-and-dirty, low-friction benchmark tool with immediate feedback
Help Manage project specific documentation
Simply interfacing the parallel port on linux
Streaming Parquet reader
Arrow parser combinators similar to Parsec
A proven synchronization server for high performance computing
Simple way to parse strings with Python-like format strings
DIMACS CNF parser library
Parse machine-readable GHC GC stats
Generate command line arguments from a --help output
Parse command-line arguments
Monadic parser combinators
Class of types that can be constructed from their text representation
Some miscellaneous basic string parsers
Parsec API encoded as a deeply-embedded DSL, for debugging and analysis
Utilities for parsing numbers from strings
Parsec combinators for parsing Haskell numeric types
Parsing instances for Parsec
Applicative permutation parser for Parsec intended as a replacement for Text
Pratt Parser combinator for Parsec
Parsec parsers for Tagsoup tag streams
Add a hierarchical trace to Parsec parsers
Utility functions and combinators for Text
Portable monadic parser combinators
Monadic parser combinators
Monadic parser combinators
Utilities for parsing numbers from Char sequences
Parsec combinators for more complex objects
Data and time parsing for CalendarTime
Adds and Eq instance for Parsec's ParseError if needed
Parallel Parsing Processes
Typeclasses for parsing monads, and some instances
Lightweight package providing commonly useful parser combinators
Test suite of parser-combinators
Prints Haskell parse trees in JSON
Regex based parsers
Parsing library with unbiased choice and support for embedding arbitrary monad
An interface to create production rules using augmented grammars
Parse and evaluate mathematical expressions
TH parser generator for splitting bytestring into fixed-width fields
Parsing combinators
Parsers instances for Megaparsec
NMR-STAR file format parser
Monadic parser combinators derived from Parsec
Parser combinators with slicing, error recovery, and syntax highlighting
A fast parser combinator library backed by Typed Template Haskell
A fast parser combinator library backed by Typed Template Haskell
A collection of GHC plugins to work with parsley
A fast, minimal parser
parsoidnodePackagesNix package
A bidirectional runtime wikitext parser
parsoidnodePackages_latestNix package
A bidirectional runtime wikitext parser
Parsing factorized
A nullary type class for partial functions
A composable exception handler
partial-isomorphismspartial-isomorphismsNix package
Partial isomorphisms
partial-isomorphismspartial-isomorphisms_0_2_4_0Nix package
Partial isomorphisms