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Showing entries 13101-13200 out of 54071.
Controlling padKONTROL native mode
PADS data description language for Haskell
Pagarme API wrapper
Page-oriented extraction and composition library
Open up a pager, like 'less' or 'more'
Client library for PagerDuty Integration and REST APIs
An interface to the PagerDuty API
Framework-agnostic pagination boilerplate
pagurepagureNix package
Pagure REST client library
pagurepagure_0_2_1Nix package
Pagure REST client library
pagure-clipagure-cliNix package
Pagure client
pagure-clipagure-cli_0_2_2Nix package
A Pagure gitforge query tool
Receive hooks from pagure and do things with them
A simple Paillier cryptosystem
Colorization of text for command-line output
Bilinear pairings
palettepaletteNix package
Utilities for choosing and creating color schemes
palettepalette_0_3_0_4Nix package
Utilities for choosing and creating color schemes
Finding palindromes in strings
Haskell binding for C PAM API
Parse syslog traffic from PAN-OS
A simple static blog engine
pandocpandocNix package
Conversion between markup formats
pandocpandoc_3_6Nix package
Conversion between markup formats
A monadic DSL for building pandoc documents
Supports using pandoc with citeproc
Insert a preamble before pandoc-citeproc's bibliography
pandoc-clihaskellPackages.pandoc-cliNix package
Conversion between documentation formats
pandoc-clihaskellPackages.pandoc-cli_3_6Nix package
Conversion between documentation formats
pandoc-clipandocNix package
Conversion between documentation formats
pandoc-clipandoc_3_6Nix package
Conversion between documentation formats
A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension for columns
Pandoc filter for cross-references
Convert CSV to Pandoc Table Markdown
Decodes pandoc to dhall
A Pandoc filter for emphasizing code in fenced blocks
A Pandoc filter to use graphviz
Pandoc filter formatting Haskell code fragments using GHC lexer
Syntax highlighting customization for Pandoc
Include other Markdown files
A Pandoc filter for including code from source files
Pandoc filter to include files, with image path and heading level adjustment
Japanese-specific markup filters for pandoc
Lenses for Pandoc documents
A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension to wrap text in table cells
Extract "contextual links" from Pandoc
A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension for logic proofs
pandoc-lua-enginepandoc-lua-engineNix package
Lua engine to power custom pandoc conversions
pandoc-lua-enginepandoc-lua-engine_0_4Nix package
Lua engine to power custom pandoc conversions
pandoc-lua-marshalpandoc-lua-marshalNix package
Use pandoc types in Lua
pandoc-lua-marshalpandoc-lua-marshal_0_3_0Nix package
Use pandoc types in Lua
Pandoc-filter to evaluate code section in markdown and auto-embed output
Pandoc filter to include CSV files
Render and insert PlantUML diagrams with Pandoc
pandoc-plotpandoc-plotNix package
A Pandoc filter to include figures generated from code blocks using your plotting toolkit of choic…
pandoc-plotpandoc-plot_1_9_1Nix package
A Pandoc filter to include figures generated from code blocks using your plotting toolkit of choic…
A Pandoc filter to include figures generated from Python code blocks
Pandoc filter to extract only the links
Pandoc filter to extract only the code blocks
pandoc-serverpandoc-serverNix package
Pandoc document conversion as an HTTP servant-server
pandoc-serverpandoc-server_0_1_0_10Nix package
Pandoc document conversion as an HTTP servant-server
Convert Pandoc Markdown-style footnotes into sidenotes
Pandoc filter to customize links, images and paragraphs
A tool to convert symbolic regression expressions into different formats
MonadThrow behaviour for Pandoc
Types for representing a structured document
Literate Haskell support for GitHub's Markdown flavor
Utility functions to work with Pandoc in Haskell applications
Pandoc filter for native Vim code highlighting
Pandoc support for literate Agda
Lenses for Pandoc
A box of patterns and paradigms
Merge environment variables and command line options generically
A super-pang clone
Binding to the Pango text rendering engine
A set of parsers for graph languages and conversions to graph libaries
Pandoc filter to unwrap nested blocks
A convenient way to panic
Pandoc filter to execute code blocks
Pansite: a simple web site management tool
pantrypantryNix package
Content addressable Haskell package management
pantrypantry_0_10_0Nix package
Content addressable Haskell package management
Content addressable Haskell package management
Reasonable default import
Prelude with only useful functions
Prelude with only useful functions
Useful base functions reimplemented
Prelude with only useful functions
Export useful functions from bifunctors
Useful bifunctors functions reimplemented
Reasonable default import
Reasonable default import
Third party libraries
Prelude with only useful functions
Export useful functions from lens
Useful lens functions reimplemented
Prelude with only useful functions
Prelude with only useful functions
Prelude with only useful functions