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Showing entries 14801-14900 out of 54071.
Vaccine Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset Library
Adrian Dusa's Miscellaneous
r-AdMitNix package
Adaptive Mixture of Student-t Distributions
r-admixNix package
Package Admix for Admixture (aka Contamination) Models
An Interface for Running 'ADMIXTOOLS' Analyses
r-ADMMNix package
Algorithms using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers to Solve Dense Dubmatrix Problem
Penalized Precision Matrix Estimation via ADMM
Estimate and Manipulate Age-Depth Models
r-ADMURNix package
Ancient Demographic Modelling Using Radiocarbon
No-U-Turn MCMC Sampling for 'ADMB' Models
R Client for 'Adobe Analytics' API 2.0
Adaptive Optimal Two-Stage Designs
r-ADPNix package
Adoption Probability, Triers and Users Rate of a New Product
Fast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection
r-ADPFNix package
Use Least Squares Polynomial Regression and Statistical Testing to Improve Savitzky-Golay
Additive Profile Clustering Algorithms
r-adpssNix package
Design and Analysis of Locally or Globally Efficient Adaptive Designs
r-adsNix package
Spatial Point Patterns Analysis
Google Ads Data Hub API Client
Adaptive Double Sparse Iterative Hard Thresholding
r-ADTSANix package
Time Series Analysis
Advanced Basketball Statistics
Upper Clopper-Pearson Confidence Limits for Burn-in Studies under Additional Available Information
Solving 1D Advection Bi-Flux Diffusion Equation
Interactive R Tutorials to Accompany Field (2016), "An Adventure in Statistics"
'shiny' Application for Adverse Event Analysis of 'OnCore' Data
Automatic Direct Variable Selection via Interrupted Coefficient Estimation
r-adwNix package
Angular Distance Weighting Interpolation
Wavelet Analysis of Genomic Data from Admixed Populations
Access the 'Google Adwords' API
r-aeddoNix package
Automated and Early Detection of Disease Outbreaks
Change Point Analysis in ARIMA Forecasting
Automated and Early Detection of Seasonal Epidemic Onset
Adverse Event Enrichment Tests
r-aelabNix package
Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Flux
r-aemoNix package
r-AEPNix package
Statistical Modelling for Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution
r-AERNix package
Applied Econometrics with R
A Computational Tool for Aerobiological Data
Estimate Aerosol Particle Collection Through Sample Lines
r-AFNix package
Model-Based Estimation of Confounder-Adjusted Attributable Fractions
r-afcNix package
Generalized Discrimination Score
Government Analysis Function Recommended Accessible Colour Palette
r-afdxNix package
Diagnosis Performance Using Attributable Fraction
r-afexNix package
Analysis of Factorial Experiments
Accelerated Functional Failure Time Model with Error-Contaminated Survival Times
A Finer Way to Render 3D Illustrated Objects in 'grid' Using Affine Transformations
Raster Georeferencing, Grid Affine Transforms, Cell Abstraction
Estimation of Affinity Matrix
Affluence (Richness) Indices
r-affyNix package
The Attributable Fraction (AF) Described as a Function of Disease Heritability, Prevalence and Int…
r-AFMNix package
Atomic Force Microscope Image Analysis
Functions for Atomic Force Microscope Force-Distance Curves Analysis
r-afptNix package
Tools for Modelling of Animal Flight Performance
r-AFRNix package
Toolkit for Regression Analysis of Kazakhstan Banking Sector Data
Africa Macroeconomic Monitor Database API
Accelerated Failure Time Model with Generalized Estimating Equations
r-afthdNix package
Accelerated Failure Time for High Dimensional Data with MCMC
r-aftR2Nix package
R-Squared Measure under Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Models
Semiparametric Accelerated Failure Time Model
Model Diagnostics for Accelerated Failure Time Models
r-ag.dbNix package
Toolbox for Downloading and Extracting Copernicus AgERA5 Data
r-agcdfNix package
Calculate 'ActiGraph' Counts from Accelerometer Data
r-AGDNix package
Analysis of Growth Data
r-AGDEXNix package
r-aGENix package