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Showing entries 34701-34800 out of 52683.
Random Coefficient Minification Time Series Models
r-rCNVNix package
Detect Copy Number Variants from SNPs Data
r-rcoNix package
The R Code Optimizer
Lightweight Data Structure for Recoding Categorical Data without Factors
r-rcolNix package
Access your Coletum's Data from API
ColorBrewer Palettes
Conesa Colors Palette
270 'NCL' Color Tables in R Language
Utilities for using the 'COM(P)ADRE' Matrix Model Database
Functions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluation
Create a Package or Research Compendium Structure
Manage R Configuration at the Command Line
Computations on Conics
Individual-Based Forest Growth Simulator 'TROLL'
A Collection of Small Text Corpora of Interesting Data
r-RCPANix package
Consensus Pathway Analysis
r-RCPA3Nix package
Data and Functions for R Companion to Political Analysis 3rd Ed
r-RcpiNix package
R Interface to CPLEX
r-RcppNix package
Seamless R and C++ Integration
R and C++11
High Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics
'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Annoy', a Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
'Rcpp' Interface to the APT Package Manager
'Rcpp' Meets 'C++' Arrays
'Rcpp' Bindings for the Boost Date_Time Library
Factor Big Integers with the Parallel Quadratic Sieve
'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Blaze' High-Performance 'C++' Math Library
'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library
Spatial Estimation and Prediction for Censored/Missing Responses
'Rcpp' Integration for 'CGAL'
Deprecated 'classic' 'Rcpp' 'API'
Examples using 'RcppClassic' to Interface R and C++
Seamless 'Rcpp' Benchmarking
Read-Write Support for 'NumPy' Files via 'Rcpp'
Color Mappings and 'C++' Header Files for Color Conversion
'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB')
'date' C++ Header Library for Date and Time Functionality
Global Optimization by Differential Evolution in C++
'Rcpp' Integration of Additional Probability Distributions
'Rcpp' Dynamic Programming
Header-Only C++ Mathematical Optimization Library for 'Armadillo'
Examples using 'Rcpp' to Interface R and C++
Interface to the Google 'FarmHash' Family of Hash Functions
'Rcpp' Bindings to 'FastAD' Auto-Differentiation
'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'fast_float' Header-Only Library for Number Parsing
'Rcpp' Interface for Querying System Configuration Variables
Greedy Set Cover
'Rcpp' Integration for 'GNU GSL' Vectors and Matrices
Rcpp Hidden Markov Model
'Rcpp' Bindings for 'hnswlib', a Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
Solves Minimum Cost Bipartite Matching Problems
'Rcpp'-Based Helper Functions to Pass 'Int64' and 'nanotime' Values Between 'R' and 'C++'
An R Wrapper for Jagger
'L-BFGS' Algorithm Based on 'Blaze' for 'R' and 'Rcpp'
'rcpp' Wrapper for 'mecab' Library
Rcpp Machine Learning Library
'MsgPack' C++ Header Files and Interface Functions for R
'Rcpp' Package Illustrating Header-Only Access to 'NLopt'
'Rcpp' Integration for Numerical Computing Libraries
An Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in R Packages
R Bindings to the Calendaring Functionality of 'QuantLib'
'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Redis' using the 'hiredis' Library
Efficient Rolling / Windowed Operations
'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'simdjson' Header-Only Library for 'JSON' Parsing
Rcpp Bindings for Sequential Monte Carlo
R and C++ Interfaces to 'spdlog' C++ Header Library for Logging
'Rcpp' Integration of the 'Streamulus' 'DSEL' for Stream Processing
R-Friendly Threading in C++
'Rcpp' Tic-Toc Timer with 'OpenMP' Support
Rcpp-Based Truncated Normal Distribution RNG and Family
'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for "Tom's Obvious Markup Language"
Generating Universally Unique Identificators
XPtr Add-Ons for 'Rcpp'
Xsimd C++ Header-Only Library Files
Interface the 'xts' API via 'Rcpp'