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Showing entries 3801-3900 out of 54071.
Library for dependent-literals-plugin
Dependent integer literals
Dependent finite maps (partial dependent products)
Dependent map that uses semigroup mappend
Control structure similar to Control
Dependent sum type
JSON instances for DSum, DMap, and Some
dependent-sum-templatedependent-sum-templateNix package
Template Haskell code to generate instances of classes in dependent-sum package
dependent-sum-templatedependent-sum-template_0_2_0_1Nix package
Template Haskell code to generate instances of classes in some package
A simple configuration management tool for Haskell
Analyze quality of nucleotide sequences
Double-ended priority queues
DepTrack Core types and model
DepTrack applied to DevOps
Facilitate Graphviz representations of DepTrack dependencies
Double-ended queues
A typeclass and an implementation for double-ended queues
Find derangements of lists
Typeset Derivation Trees via MetaPost
A program and library to derive instances for data types
Generic instances for enumerating complex data types
Instance deriving for (a subset of) GADTs
Derive HasField instances with Template Haskell
Macro to derive instances for Instant-Generics using Template Haskell
Derive class instances though various kinds of lifting
Derive Semigroup/Monoid/IsList
Derive Prim and PrimUnaligned
Derive Storable instances with GHC.Generics
GHC core plugin supporting the derive-storable package
derive-topdownderive-topdownNix package
Help Haskellers derive class instances for composited data types
derive-topdownderive-topdown_0_1_0_0Nix package
Derive type class instances
Automatic derivation of Trie implementations
Derive ToJSON/FromJSON instances in a more prefix-friendly manner
Type driven generic aeson instance customisation
deriving-compatderiving-compatNix package
Backports of GHC deriving extensions
deriving-compatderiving-compat_0_6_7Nix package
Backports of GHC deriving extensions
DerivingVia for OpenAPI 3
Derive a Show instance without field selector names
Derive instances for monad transformer stacks
DerivingVia extras - Miscellaneous /via/ types
Derivative Parsing
Combinators based on parsing with derivatives (derp) package
Parse and render JSON simply
Combinators for describing binary data structures
Loads a list of items with fields
Library, interpreter, and CLI for Descript programming language
Self-describing consumers/parsers; forms, cmd-line args, JSON, etc
A library for specifying xmonad key bindings with functionality
A simple build tool for OCaml projects
Desktop Portal
Simple deterministic game engine
JSON and CSV encoding for rationals as decimal point numbers
JSON and CSV encoding for quantities
Markov chain text generator
Get rid of unicode (utf-8) symbols in Haskell sources
Conversion between Devanagari Unicode, Harvard-Kyoto, IAST and ISO15919
A small tool to make it easier to update program managed by Angel
Haskell development tool agregate
Find gadgets for return-oriented programming on x86
Type, render and parse the df1 hierarchical structured log format
Render and parse df1 logs as HTML
Df1 log formatting for WAI requests and responses
A generic data integrity layer
Processing Real-time event streams
A package for precise decimal arithmatic using rationals
Build Debian From Scratch CD/DVD images
Implementation of DGIM algorithm
Haskell front-end for DGS' bot interface
dhalldhallNix package
A configuration language guaranteed to terminate
dhallhaskellPackages.dhallNix package
A configuration language guaranteed to terminate
dhall-bashdhall-bashNix package
Compile Dhall to Bash
dhall-bashhaskellPackages.dhall-bashNix package
Compile Dhall to Bash
Check all dhall files in a project
Convert bidirectionally between Dhall and CSV files
dhall-docsdhall-docsNix package
Generate HTML docs from a dhall package
dhall-docshaskellPackages.dhall-docsNix package
Generate HTML docs from a dhall package
Translate concourse config from Dhall to YAML
dhall-jsondhall-jsonNix package
Convert between Dhall and JSON or YAML
dhall-jsonhaskellPackages.dhall-jsonNix package
Convert between Dhall and JSON or YAML
Lexer for the Dhall language
dhall-lsp-server-unstabledhall-lsp-serverNix package
Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Dhall
dhall-lsp-server-unstablehaskellPackages.dhall-lsp-serverNix package
Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Dhall
dhall-nixdhall-nixNix package
Dhall to Nix compiler
dhall-nixhaskellPackages.dhall-nixNix package
Dhall to Nix compiler
dhall-nixpkgsdhall-nixpkgsNix package
Convert Dhall projects to Nix packages
dhall-nixpkgshaskellPackages.dhall-nixpkgsNix package
Convert Dhall projects to Nix packages
Convert an OpenAPI specification to a Dhall package
Convert recursive ADTs from and to Dhall
Encrypt Decrypt Dhall expressions
Template text using Dhall
Render dhall text with shell commands as function arguments
Compile Dhall expressions to Cabal files
Convert between Dhall and TOML
dhall-yamldhall-yamlNix package
Convert between Dhall and YAML
dhall-yamlhaskellPackages.dhall-yamlNix package
Convert between Dhall and YAML
dhcpnodePackagesNix package
A DHCP server written in JavaScript
dhcpnodePackages_latestNix package
A DHCP server written in JavaScript
Parse a DHCP lease file
Dhall/YAML configurable concurrent integration test executor