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Showing entries 42401-42500 out of 54071.
r-tswgeNix package
Time Series for Data Science
Bayesian Modelling of Extremal Dependence in Time Series
r-TTNix package
Display Tree Structured Data using Datatable Widget (DT)
Temporal Trend Analysis Graphical Interface
Barycenter Methods for Spatial Point Patterns
US Beer Statistics from TTB
r-TTCANix package
Transcript Time Course Analysis
r-ttcgNix package
Three-Term Conjugate Gradient for Unconstrained Optimization
r-ttdoNix package
Extend 'tinytest' with 'diffobj'
r-tthNix package
TeX-to-HTML/MathML Translators TtH/TtM
r-TTMapNix package
r-tTOlrNix package
Likelihood Ratio Statistics for One or Two Sample T-Tests
r-TTRNix package
Technical Trading Rules
r-TTSNix package
Master Curve Estimates Corresponding to Time-Temperature Superposition
Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Sites Screening by Use of Training and Testing Samples
A Service for Tidy Transcriptomics Software Suite
r-tttNix package
The Table Tool
Time to Target Plot
Utility Functions
r-ttwaNix package
r-tuberNix package
Client for the YouTube API
R Client for the YouTube Analytics and Reporting API
Helper Functions for 'TUFLOW FV' Models
r-tufteNix package
Tufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents
Tufte-style html document format for rmarkdown
Build a Docker Image from a Directory or Project
Conventional Tukey Test
Tukey g-&-h Distribution
Tukey Region and Median
Tukeys Trend Test via Multiple Marginal Models
r-TULIPNix package
A Toolbox for Linear Discriminant Analysis with Penalties
r-tumgrNix package
Tumor Growth Rate Analysis
r-tuneNix package
Tidy Tuning Tools
Multi-Objective Parameter Tuning for Classifiers
r-tuneRNix package
Analysis of Music and Speech
Tune Random Forest of the 'ranger' Package
r-tupleNix package
Find every match, or orphan, duplicate, triplicate, or other replicated values
A Suite of Convergence Acceleration Schemes for EM, MM and Other Fixed-Point Algorithms
r-turfRNix package
The Most Comprehensive R Package for Turkish Election Results
Turn Vectors and Lists of Vectors into Indexed Structures
Turtle Graphics
Interface to 'Tushare Pro' API
Tools for Calculating Allocations in Game Theory using Exact and Approximated Methods
Lumped/Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model for Education Purposes
r-tvNix package
Tools for Creating Time-Varying Datasets
r-tvdNix package
r-tvemNix package
Time-Varying Effect Models
Time Varying GARCH Modelling
The Time-Varying (Right-Truncated) Geometric Distribution
r-tvmNix package
Time Value of Money Functions
Discounting and Compounding Calculations for Various Scenarios
Time Varying Mediation Analysis
r-TVMMNix package
Multivariate Tests for the Vector of Means
r-tvRNix package
Total Variation Regularization
r-tvRegNix package
Time-Varying Coefficient for Single and Multi-Equation Regressions
r-TVTBNix package
TV Show Themes and Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' Graphics
Comprehensive Tools for Panel Data Analysis - 'tvtools'
r-twangNix package
Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups
Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups - Continuous Exposures
Twang Causal Mediation Modeling via Weighting
Gradient Boosting for Linkage Failure in FSRDCs
r-twcNix package
Terrestrial Water Cycle
r-twdtwNix package
Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
Evaluation of Tweedie Exponential Family Models
Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations
Parse and Validate Tweet Text
Play a Game of 2048 in the Console
r-twfyNix package
Drive the API for TheyWorkForYou
An Interface to the Twilio API for R
A Fast Global-Local Gaussian Process Approximation
Data Twinning
Twitter Topic Modeling and Visualization for R
R Based Twitter Client
Get Twitter Ads Data via the '' API
Automated Trading Using Tweets
Render a Twitter Status in R Markdown Pages
r-twlNix package
Two-Way Latent Structure Clustering Model
r-twnNix package
Taxa Waterbeheer Nederland voor R
Simulate Survival Data for Randomized Clinical Trials
Two-Part Model with Marginal Effects
The Two Parameter Exponential Distribution