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Showing entries 42501-42600 out of 54071.
Estimate Gene-Treatment Interaction Exploiting Randomization
Fast Permutation Based Two Sample Tests
DE Analysis for Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data
Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Two-Stage Study Design
Conditional Logistic Regression: A Two-Step Estimation Method
Analysis of Event Data with Two Time Scales
Analysis of Two-Way Tables
Estimation of the Weights Attached to the Two-Way Fixed Effects Regressions
Two-Way Tests in Independent Groups Designs
Work with Two-by-Two Tables
r-TWWNix package
Growth Models
Efficient Estimation of the Causal Effects of Stochastic Interventions
Text Based Plots
r-txtqNix package
A Small Message Queue for Parallel Processes
r-typedNix package
Support Types for Variables, Arguments, and Return Values
Auto-Check Types, Dimensions, and Values of Function Arguments
r-typesNix package
Type Annotations
Trace Function Parameter Types
r-tzdbNix package
Time Zone Database Information
Time Zone Database Updater
r-u5mrNix package
Under-Five Child Mortality Estimation
Parse 'User-Agent' Strings
UAV Mission Planner
A User-Guided Bayesian Framework for Ensemble Feature Selection
r-UBCRMNix package
Simulate and Conduct Dose-Escalation Phase I Studies
PKPD, PBPK, and Systems Pharmacology Modeling Tools
r-UBLNix package
An Implementation of Re-Sampling Approaches to Utility-Based Learning for Both Classification and …
r-ubmsNix package
Bayesian Models for Data from Unmarked Animals using 'Stan'
Basic Statistics
r-UCellNix package
r-uciNix package
Urban Centrality Index
r-ucieNix package
Mapping 3D Data into CIELab Color Space
Explore UCI ML Repository Datasets
Clustering and Classification Inference with U-Statistics
General-Purpose Unconstrained Non-Linear Optimization
r-UCompNix package
Automatic Univariate Time Series Modelling of many Kinds