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Showing entries 44101-44200 out of 54071.
Class for reading bounded values
Please see the README on GitHub at
Opens a temporary file on the system's EDITOR and returns the resulting edits
Functions for safely reading environment variables
Read IO library
Extracts text of main article from HTML document
Reading from Text and ByteString
Simple command line argument parsing
Lightweight CSV parser/emitter based on ReadP
Vinyl-based reader-like monad composition
An interface to the GNU readline library
Readline effect for in-other-words
Readline with variables (setX/getY) wrapped in state vars
Literate programming support
Read and pretty print Python bytecode (.pyc) files
Code for reading ESRI Shapefiles
Tiny library to calculate date considering when your day realy ends
Random number generation based on physical media touched by humans
A really simple XML parser
The Real World Haskell Book
Animation library based on SVGs
SVG file loader and serializer
Generate Reason types from Haskell
Lens implementation
Just size Operational Monad implementation
rebaserebaseNix package
A more progressive alternative to the "base" package
rebaserebase_1_21_1Nix package
A more progressive alternative to the "base" package
A library to facilitate rebinding of Haskell syntax
Recursively defined values
SmallArray-based extensible records for small-scale fast reads
Functions for using the reCAPTCHA service in web applications
Recommendations using alternating least squares algorithm
Anonymous records
Instances of "aeson" classes for the "record" types
Preprocessor to allow record.field syntax
Generic encoding of records
Utilities for working with OpenGL's GLSL shading language and Nikita Volkov's "Record"s
A version of GHC.Records as available in future GHCs
Please see the README on GitHub at
Polymorphic record operations
Compiler preprocessor introducing a syntactic extension for anonymous records
A library for parsing and processing the Haskell syntax sprinkled with anonymous records
Alter your records with ease
A flexible record system
Record subtyping and record utilities with generics-sop
Template Haskell declarations for the records package
Recover run-time type information from the GHC heap
A recursion schemes library for Haskell
Representing common recursion patterns as higher-order functions
Amateur addenda to recursion-schemes
Recursion schemes over indexed Functors
Count lines in files and display them hierarchically
Zippers over recursive data structures
Auto-generate final encodings and their isomorphisms using Template Haskell
Efficient network recv
Extensible records and variants indexed by a type-level Red-Black tree
Red Black Trees implemented in Haskell
Hide secret text on the terminal
Library for interfacing with Reddit's API
Library for getting links from a sub-reddit
Package for dependency confusion
Monadic HTTP request handlers combinators to build a standalone web apps
A driver for Redis key-value database
Specify valid redis globs
A simple Redis library for Haskell
Yet another redis client
Simple priority job queue backed by Redis
REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP) implementation
Typed, schema-based, composable Redis library
Simple redis bindings for Haskell
Combine redis caching and haxl
Redland RDF library bindings
Library to access Redmine's REST services
Software build system, make replacement, implementation of djb's redo
Simplify a set of equations by removing redundancies
reducersreducersNix package
Semigroups, specialized containers and a general map/reduce framework
reducersreducers_3_12_5Nix package
Semigroups, specialized containers and a general map/reduce framework
Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Haskell
A reimplementation of the Reactive library
Names conflict between crypto-api and crypto-random, therefore I export the former in a separate p…
Generic Mutable Ref Abstraction Layer
Generic Mutable Ref Abstraction Layer
Extra stuff for mutable references
A type class for monads with references using functional dependencies
A type class for monads with references compatible with the mtl2 library
A type class for monads with references using type families
Specify refactorings to perform with apply-refact
Container with element counts
A utility for computing distributions of material to review among reviewers
A class for references in Haskell
A reference counting library to alias linear resources
Selectors for reading and updating data
A command-line tool for pasting to
Refinement types with static and runtime checking
Type-checked proof that a key exists in a container and can be safely indexed
Http-api-data instances for refined types
Refinement types with an "refinement applied" switch
Refinement types with static and runtime checking (+ Refined1)
Toolkit for building proof automation systems
Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms