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Showing entries 44201-44300 out of 54071.
Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms
Utilities for the reflection package
Efficient free and operational monads
Higher-order Functional Reactive Programming
Continuous animations support for reflex
Reflex bindings for TCP sockets
Reflex interface to wai
A basic Reflex host for backend work
Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex
Basic support for using the Ace editor with Reflex
Use colonnade with reflex-dom
A playground for experimenting with infrastructure and common code for reflex applications
Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex
A reflex-dom widget to draw on a canvas with a fragment shader program
Html tag helpers for reflex-dom
Compatible highlevel Wigdets for some Ionic Input Components
Render Pandoc documents to HTML using reflex-dom
Routing and retractable back button for reflex-dom
Reflex functions for SVG elements
Reflex-dom-th transpiles HTML templates to haskell code for reflex-dom
Various dynamic containers for Reflex
External reference with reactivity support
Reflex FRP interface for watching files
Interact with a GADT API in your reflex-dom application
A GHCi widget library for use in reflex applications
Helper functions to use reflex with gi-gtk
An reflex interface for gloss
A simple scene-graph using reflex and gloss
Use jsx-like syntax in Reflex
Reflex bindings for libtelnet
Localization library for reflex
Helper widgets for reflex-localize
Utilities to split reflex app to authorized and not authorized contexts
Useful missing instances for Reflex
Please see the README on GitHub at
Reflex FRP interface for running system processes
SDL2 and reflex FRP
Reflex host methods for testing without external events
Collections and switchable Monad transformers for Reflex
Reflex FRP host and widgets for VTY applications
Reform is a type-safe HTML form generation and validation library
Add support for using blaze-html with Reform
Add support for using Hamlet with Reform
Happstack support for reform
Add support for using HSP with Reform
Add support for using lucid with Reform
The parser and render to parsec and render the string
See README for more info
Environment Monad with automatic resource refreshment
Write to and read from ByteStrings maintaining internal memory references
Formatted JSON generator for API server inspired by normalizr
Tools for maintaining a database
Register allocation API
Register allocation by graph colorization
Types used in register allocation API
Toolkit for regex-base
Regex-based parsing with applicative interface
Regex-applicative on text
Common "Text.Regex.*" API for Regex matching
Replaces/enhances "Text
Unicode Support version of Text
Replaces/Enhances Text
Replaces/Enhances Text
PCRE wrapper
Sugar for regex-pcre
Tutorial, tests and example programs for regex
Generate a random string from a PCRE
From a regex, generate all possible strings it can match
Replaces/Enhances Text
PCRE Backend for "Text
PCRE Backend for "Text
Text-based PCRE API for regex-base
Replaces/Enhances Text
POSIX Backend for "Text
"Regex for Windows" C library
Unit tests for the plaform's Posix regex library
Bindings to Rust's regex library
Pure Haskell Tagged DFA Backend for "Text
Parse with regular expressions on Producers
Quasi-quoter for TDFA (extended POSIX) regular expressions
Replaces/Enhances Text
Text interface for regex-tdfa
Unit tests for the regex-tdfa
This combines regex-tdfa with utf8-string to allow searching over UTF8 encoded lazy bytestrings
Replaces/Enhances Text
Type-level regular expressions
Toolkit for regex-base
Types that can only be constructed if they match a regular expression
A regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions
A POSIX, extended regex-engine
A polymorphic, POSIX, extended regex-engine
Regular Expressions on Tries
Regular expression like Perl/Ruby in Haskell
Regular expressions via symbolic manipulation
A quasiquoter for PCRE regexes
Regional memory pointers
Provides the region monad for safely opening and working with scarce resources
Monads-fd instances for the RegionT monad transformer
Monads-tf instances for the RegionT monad transformer
Mtl instances for the RegionT monad transformer