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Showing entries 50001-50100 out of 51636.
Type safe BST and AVL trees
Type set
Type-level sets
Sets and functions-as-relations in the type system
Type Level Specification by Example
A spine-view on types
Type structure analysis
Substitute types for other types with Template Haskell
Tree representations of datatypes
Type-level and typed unary natural numbers, inequality proofs, vectors
Mock functions and expressions anywhere
Automatic deriving of TypeableN instances with Template Haskell
An implementation of LangChain in Haskell
Simple type check plugin which calculate addition, subtraction and less-or-equal-than
Typing speed game
Type composition classes & instances
Admin console framework
Digits, indexed by their base at the type level
Thread delay and timeout functions with typed arguments
Type safe string transformations
Bridge between encoding and typed-encoding packages
Run external processes, with strong typing of streams
A binding of the typed-process library for the effectful effect system
Typed and composable spreadsheets
A stream based replacement for lists
A strongly typed way to handle time and date formats
Phantom-Typed version of UUID
Language-independent type-safe communication
Haskell utility library required for code generated by typed-wire compiler
Typed frontend to TensorFlow and higher-order deep learning
Parser for SQL augmented with types
Create a unique hash value for a type
TypeIlluminator is a prototype tool exploring debugging of type errors/
Plugin to faciliate type-level let
Useful type level operations (type families and related operators)
Solve type equalities using custom type-level rewrite rules
Tensors whose ranks and dimensions type-inferred and type-checked
Type-safe printf from parsing GHC TypeLits Symbol
Existential witnesses, singletons, and classes for operations on GHC TypeLits
Some Nat-indexed types for GHC
Type level numbers using existing Nat functionality
Small script for inferring types
Lens-like interface for type level parameters; allows unboxed unboxed vectors and supercompilation
Efficient implementation of a dependent map with types as keys
Ghc-7.6/7.8 compatible GHC.TypeLits, Data
Enforce endianness with types
Type-safe transformations and purifications of PreCures (Japanese Battle Heroine)
A documentation generator for TypeScript Definition files
Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for TypeScript using tsserver
typescript-language-servernodePackages_latestNix package
Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for TypeScript using tsserver
Type level numbers, vectors, list
Command Line Typing speed tester
Just let me draw nice text already
Drawings for printed text documents
Typson Beam Integration
Type-safe PostgreSQL JSON Querying
Typson Esqueleto Integration
Typson Selda Integration
Parsing and evaluating typst syntax
Symbol and emoji lookup for typst language
Type derived JSON parsing using Aeson
Efficient time zone handling
tzdatatzdataNix package
Time zone database (as files and as a module)
tzdatatzdata_0_2_20240201_0Nix package
Time zone database (as files and as a module)
Safe timezone-aware handling of time
Haskell Universal Two Factor helper toolbox library thing
A library for parsing User-Agent strings, official Haskell port of ua-parser
Userspace Advanced Configuration and Power Interface event daemon
A simplistic dependently-typed language with parametricity
Uber client for Haskell
Generate overloaded lenses from plain data declaration
The Ucam-Webauth protocol, used by Raven
Types for the Ucam-Webauth protocol, as used by Raven
Unicode Character Database — Predicates on characters specified by Unicode
Datatype and parser for the Universal Configuration Language (UCL) using libucl
String encoding conversion with ICU
Small DBus implementation
Model API for udbus introspection and definitions
Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code?
Libudev bindings
Simple fire-and-forget conduit UDP wrappers
Streaming to and from UDP socket
Haskell bindings for ueberzug to display images in the terminal
uglify-jsnodePackagesNix package
JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
uglify-jsnodePackages_latestNix package
JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
A simple (but internally ugly) memoization function
Part of UHC packaged as cabal/hackage installable library
UHC utilities
Hex dumper for UTF-8 text
Minimal HTTP client library optimized for benchmarking
A framework for friendly commandline programs
Simple unique identifier datatype, serializable and encodable as base32
Library for Arrowized Graphical User Interfaces
A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation
A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation
A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation
A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation
Implementation of ULID - Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
Another ULID implementation with tight memory representation
A small command-line accounting tool