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Showing entries 50001-50100 out of 54071.
Elm builds in shake
Helper functions for linting with shake
Extra utilities for shake build systems
Dependency tracking for Futhark
Shake rules for the Google closure compiler
Utilities for cross-compiling with Shake
Rules for building literate programs in shake
Shake Minify Rules
Shake rules for CSS
Shake File Pack Rule
Path alternatives to shake functions
Shake build system on-disk caching
Re-export of Shake using well-typed paths and ReaderT
Experimental extensions to shake-plus
Shake-based technical documentation generator; HTML & PDF
Simple and interactive command-line build tool
Shake helpers
shakespeareshakespeareNix package
A toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates
shakespeareshakespeare_2_1_0_1Nix package
A toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates
Compile es2015
Stick your haskell variables into css at compile time
A type-based approach to internationalization
Stick your haskell variables into javascript/coffeescript at compile time
SASS support for Shakespeare and Yesod
Interpolation with quasi-quotation: put variables strings (deprecated)
“Shuffle and merge overlapping chunks” lossless compression
Treat haskell functions as unix pipes
Shannon-fano compression algorithm in Haskell
Parser and related tools for ESRI shapefile format
Generics using @(,)@ and @Either@, with algebraic operations and typed conversions
Physics engine and other tools for 2D shapes
Demos for the 'shapes' package
Faster vector/matrix math using unboxed numbers and Template Haskell
Sandell Harmonic Archive
A circular buffer built on shared memory
A tiny library for using shared lens fields
POSIX shared memory
Bundles shared calls to IO functions to perform them only once
A Haskell preprocessor adding miscellaneous features
Transform a shell script into a series of scripts with only shebang lines
Spreadsheet type for composite
Test webhooks locally
Write shell scripts with Conduit
Shell escaping library
Shell monad
Pipe streams through external shell commands
Utility functions for writing command-line programs
A framework for creating shell envinronments
"compatline" backend module for Shellac
Editline backend module for Shellac
Haskeline backend module for Shellac
Readline backend module for Shellac
ShellCheckhaskellPackages.ShellCheckNix package
Shell script analysis tool
ShellCheckhaskellPackages.ShellCheck_0_9_0Nix package
Shell script analysis tool
shellcheckNix package
Shell script analysis tool
ShellCheckshellcheck-minimalNix package
Shell script analysis tool
shellifyhaskellPackages.shellifyNix package
A tool for generating shell.nix files
shellifyhaskellPackages.shellify_0_11_0_5Nix package
A tool for generating shell.nix files
shellifyshellifyNix package
A tool for generating shell.nix files
Shell-/perl- like (systems) programming in Haskell
Simple interface for shell scripting in Haskell
Extra functionality for shellmate
Out of the shell solution for scripting in Haskell
A threaded manager for Haskell that can run and stream external process output/err/exits
Easy, repeatable testing of CLI programs/commands
shellwordsshellwordsNix package
Parse strings into words, like a shell would
shellwordsshellwords_0_1_4_0Nix package
Parse strings into words, like a shell would
Shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell
Shelly features that require extra dependencies
A Haskell implementation of the Shen programming language
Simple shell scripting from Haskell
Utility functions for using shh
A tool to quickly switch between directories
Run a sequence of functions on in-memory representations of files
The Reflective Lambda Machine
Declarative graphics for the browser using GHCJS
Examples for the shine package
FRP interface for shine using the varying package
Implementation of Shivers' Control-Flow Analysis
A very basic SOAP package
A haskell API binding for
Length-indexed vectors using SmallArray#
Lenses and related functionality for the short-vec package
Additional ShortByteString API
Short-circuit values and expressions
A class for interruptible computations
Link shortcuts for use in text markup
Shorten a variety of string-like types adding ellipsis
Grammars for TSP and SHP
A HUnit/hspec assertion library to verify that an expression does not typecheck
'Show' instances for Lambdabot
Combinators to write Show instances
A wrapper type V with improved Show instances
Robust prettyprinter for output of auto-generated Show instances
Convert types into string values in haskell
A simple gtk based Russian Roulette game
Clean up the formatting of 'show' output
Show for * -> *
A programming model for declarative, high performance user interface
A Virtual Dom in pure Haskell, based on Html as an Alignable Functor