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Showing entries 50201-50300 out of 54071.
A parser for SQL
Source code editing utilities
Simple stacked virtual machine: assembler, disassembler, bytecode interpreter
Simple tabular-text formatter
Simple, pure, file-system-free reading of tar files
A basic template language for the Simple web framework
Simple text based format strings with named identifiers
UI library for terminal
Simple arithmetic with SI units using type-checked dimensional analysis
Three-dimensional vectors of doubles with basic operations
Zippers made slightly easier
Fast AES encryption/decryption for bytestrings
Provides a more flexible getArgs function with better error reporting
Short description of your package
Simple evolutionary algorithm framework
A Simple Graphics Library from the SimpleH framework
A light, clean and powerful Haskell utility library
Simple IRC Library
Lenses for simpleirc types
Simple, configurable logging
Please see the README on GitHub at
Generators for primitive meshes
Haskell interface for the simplenote API
A simplified Haskell prelude for teaching
A simple static file server, for when apache is overkill
Very simple SMTP Client
Simple wrapper around libssh2
Simplest SQLite3 binding
Simple table generator
A simple markup language that translates to LaTeX
Very basic simplex implementation
Implementation of the two-phase simplex method in exact rational arithmetic
SimpleXMQ message broker
Generic programming without too many type classes
Simple pool
Simulate sequencing with different models for priming and errors
Load data organized in a tree
Get the number of seconds since the last invocation
A programming language for simple GUIs
A class for single tuple implementations
Raehik's singletons
Like singletons, but much smaller
Type level booleans
Typelevel balanced search trees via a singletonized Data
Unary natural numbers relying on the singletons infrastructure
Singletons and induction over GHC TypeLits
singletonssingletonsNix package
Basic singleton types and definitions
singletonssingletons_3_0_4Nix package
Basic singleton types and definitions
singletons-basesingletons-baseNix package
A promoted and singled version of the base library
singletons-basesingletons-base_3_3Nix package
A promoted and singled version of the base library
singletons-basesingletons-base_3_4Nix package
A promoted and singled version of the base library
An optional type with type level default
Presburger Arithmetic Solver for GHC Type-level natural numbers with Singletons package
singletons-thsingletons-thNix package
A framework for generating singleton types
singletons-thsingletons-th_3_3Nix package
A framework for generating singleton types
singletons-thsingletons-th_3_5Nix package
A framework for generating singleton types
Multivariate polynomial factorization via bindings to Singular-factory
An alternative to lazy I/O that doesn't conflate execution with evaluation
Nat singletons represented by Int
Siphash: a fast short input PRF
Encode and decode CSV files
Siren Tools for Haskell
Sirkel, a Chord DHT
Prototypical type checker for Type Theory with Sized Natural Numbers
Sitemap parser
Generate XML Sitemaps & Sitemap Indexes
A simple to understand static site generator
Sixel library to show images in a terminal emulator
A six figure group of time
An eDSL for writing 65(C)02 bytecode
Sized functors, for size-based enumerations
Fast size comparison for standard containers
Sized sequence data-types
Multidimensional grids with sized specified at compile time
Sized types in Haskell using the GHC Nat kind
Size-parameterized vector types and functions
Create a Sized version of any container
Aeson instances for 'Sized'
QuickCheck instance for 'Sized'
'Sized' wrappers for text
Recursively show space (size and i-nodes) used in subdirectories
Simple JavaScript Profiler
The Simple Javascript Wrench
skalibsskalibsNix package
Set of general-purpose C programming libraries
skalibsskalibs_2_10Nix package
Set of general-purpose C programming libraries
Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions
Skeletal set - a set with equivalence relation different from equality
Batteries-included, opinionated test framework
A tool to access the OSX keychain
Manage project skeletons
An overly complex Haskell web framework
A client
Sketch programming with Copilot
Random access lists: skew binary
A very quick-and-dirty WebSocket server
An implementation of pure skip lists
Skip variables
Check dates of container images
Eclectic collection of utility functions