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Showing entries 50401-50500 out of 52683.
Darkly elegant theme for The Lounge
Classic theme for The Lounge, to get a v2 look with The Lounge v3
thelounge-theme-classicnodePackages_latestNix package
Classic theme for The Lounge, to get a v2 look with The Lounge v3
thelounge-theme-commonnodePackagesNix package
A common theme
thelounge-theme-commonnodePackages_latestNix package
A common theme
thelounge-theme-cryptonodePackagesNix package
Retro & high-contrast theme for The Lounge
thelounge-theme-cryptonodePackages_latestNix package
Retro & high-contrast theme for The Lounge
A discordapp like theme for thelounge
thelounge-theme-discordappnodePackages_latestNix package
A discordapp like theme for thelounge
Dracula theme for thelounge
thelounge-theme-draculanodePackages_latestNix package
Dracula theme for thelounge
A simple flat theme with blue colours
thelounge-theme-flat-bluenodePackages_latestNix package
A simple flat theme with blue colours
A simple flat theme with dark colours
thelounge-theme-flat-darknodePackages_latestNix package
A simple flat theme with dark colours
The only theme you'll ever need ;P
thelounge-theme-gruvboxnodePackages_latestNix package
The only theme you'll ever need ;P
Somtething like Solarized
thelounge-theme-hexifiednodePackages_latestNix package
Somtething like Solarized
thelounge-theme-ionnodePackagesNix package
Colourful Material Design theme for The Lounge
thelounge-theme-ionnodePackages_latestNix package
Colourful Material Design theme for The Lounge
thelounge-theme-lightnodePackagesNix package
A simple theme for The Lounge with custom highlights
thelounge-theme-lightnodePackages_latestNix package
A simple theme for The Lounge with custom highlights
Midnight theme for the lounge with bubble layout on mobile devices
thelounge-theme-midnightnodePackages_latestNix package
Midnight theme for the lounge with bubble layout on mobile devices
A dark, minimal theme for thelounge
thelounge-theme-mininapsenodePackages_latestNix package
A dark, minimal theme for thelounge
Monokai Colors with Classic Console Neue font
Monokai Colors with Classic Console Neue font
A dark theme
thelounge-theme-mortifiednodePackages_latestNix package
A dark theme
A dark theme for The Lounge
A dark theme for The Lounge
Dark, modern looking theme with conversational message layout
Dark, modern looking theme with conversational message layout
Compact version of New Morning theme
Compact version of New Morning theme
thelounge-theme-nologonodePackagesNix package
A no-logo theme for The Lounge
thelounge-theme-nologonodePackages_latestNix package
A no-logo theme for The Lounge
thelounge-theme-nordnodePackagesNix package
Nordify your lounge
thelounge-theme-nordnodePackages_latestNix package
Nordify your lounge
One Dark theme for The Lounge
thelounge-theme-onedarknodePackages_latestNix package
One Dark theme for The Lounge
A lovely dark purple theme for The Lounge
A lovely dark purple theme for The Lounge
A theme for The Lounge
thelounge-theme-scoutlinknodePackages_latestNix package
A theme for The Lounge
A personal theme, derived from thelounge-theme-nord
thelounge-theme-seraphimrpnodePackages_latestNix package
A personal theme, derived from thelounge-theme-nord
A simple theme with Solarized colours
thelounge-theme-solarizednodePackages_latestNix package
A simple theme with Solarized colours
A simple theme with Solarized colors
A simple theme with Solarized colors
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
thelounge-theme-zenburnnodePackages_latestNix package
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
Haskell API bindings for
Project templating tool
All-in-one session handling for servant-based frontends
Video Compression Library (see
A common library for TheoremQuest, a theorem proving game
A simple client for the TheoremQuest theorem proving game
An either-or-both data type
Lenses for These
Optics for These
A fork of the 'these' package without the dependency bloat
Lightweight Erlang-style actors for Haskell
Theta-functions implemented as trigonometric series
Typing Haskell In Haskell
Command-line spelling word suggestion tool
Purely functional 2D drawing
A modern TUI typing game featuring online racing against friends
Datatype Manipulation with Template Haskell
Simple Haskell thread management in hierarchical manner
Several options for thread-local-storage (TLS) in Haskell
A simplified implementation of Erlang/OTP like supervisor over thread
Garbage-collected thread local storage
Perform finalization for threads
Manage concurrently operating threads without having to spark them
(deprecated in favor of 'threads')
Mutable objects that reside in their own threads
Runs other programs in the manner of a thread pool
Fork threads and wait for their result
Extends the threads package with a bounded thread group
A library to operate with pool of haskell's IO threads
Simple, IO-based library for Erlang-style thread supervision
A graphical tool for profiling parallel Haskell programs
The Threefish block cipher and the Skein hash function for Haskell
Composable algebraic editors
GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display
Write simple nested context menus for threepenny-gui
Flexbox layouts for Threepenny-gui
Haskell bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
Haskell bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
Type-threaded list