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Showing entries 51501-51600 out of 54071.
Types used in Telegram bot API
Binding to the telegraph API
A tool to quickly switch between directories
Astronomical Observations (FITS, ASDF, WCS, etc)
Telnet client and other things
The MonadTell class and related monad transformers
IRC tellbot
A dead-simple shell interpolation templating utility
Client library for Tempgres
For representing musical tempi
Simple string substitution
Declaring Default instances just got even easier
Support library for Template Haskell
Backward-compatibility layer for Template Haskell newer than 2.8
Optics for template-haskell types
Some utilities for template Haskell
Haskell's Simple Markup Language
Template Toolkit implementation for Haskell
Process template file
Make template from website
A PostgreSQL access library with compile-time SQL type inference
Simple string templater
You can use template.hs to create a new Haskell GitHub repository
Command-line tool to log time-tracking information into JIRA Tempo plugin
A small Haskell wrapper around the TempoDB api
Library to make electronic music, brings together temporal-music-notation and csound-expression pa…
Data types for temporal media
Generates midi from score notation
Western music notation
Portable temporary file and directory support
Portable temporary file and directory support for Windows and Unix, based on code from Cabal
Portable temporary files and directories with automatic deletion
Interpreter for the FRP language Tempus
Programmers' time tracker
Functors et al. over arity-1 type constructors
Lenses for the types in the ten package
Higher-kinded hash containers
Tensor data types
A completely type-safe library for linear algebra
Create valid deep neural network architectures
TensorFlow bindings
Haskell wrappers for Core Tensorflow Ops
TensorBoard related functionality
TensorFlow demo application for learning MNIST model
Code generation for TensorFlow operations
Friendly layer around TensorFlow bindings
TensorFlow protocol buffers
Encoder and decoder for the TensorFlow "TFRecords" format
Conduit wrappers for TensorFlow
Some common functions for test suites
Tensor in Haskell
Tunable sorting for responsive robustness and beyond
Term Rewriting Library
Termbox + reactive-banana
Bindings to the Termbox library
Termbox bindings
Termbox bindings
Termbox +
Composable terminal colors
Portable terminal interaction library
A progress bar in the terminal
Simple terminal-based time tracker
Get terminal window height and width
Text data type for styled terminal output, including all standard ANSI effects (bold, italic, blin…
Termination combinators for forcing non-terminating algorithms to terminate
Haskell bindings to the terminfo library
A pure-Haskell (no FFI) module for accessing terminfo databases
termonadtermonadNix package
Terminal emulator configurable in Haskell
termonadtermonad_4_6_0_0Nix package
Terminal emulator configurable in Haskell
Terminal emulator configurable in Haskell
Plot time series in your terminal using commands stdout
ternnodePackagesNix package
A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
ternnodePackages_latestNix package
A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
Efficient pure ternary tree Sets and Maps
A ternary library
HTTP backend to store terraform state using pass and git
A Haskell GIS Programming Environment
A semantic parser for lojban
Tesla API client
Create temporary SSL certificates in tests
Test monadic side-effects
Framework for running and organising tests, with HUnit and QuickCheck support
Golden tests support for test-framework
HUnit support for the test-framework package
LeanCheck support for test-framework
Test framework support for running simple test programs
QuickCheck support for the test-framework package
QuickCheck-2 support for the test-framework package
Test-sandbox support for the test-framework package
Functions for conveniently marking some of the tests in a suite as being skipped
Support for SmallCheck tests in test-framework
A test framework provider for testing-feat
Automagically generate the HUnit- and Quickcheck-bulk-code using Template Haskell
Template Haskell for test framework
Testable functions
Provide common invariants to be checked with QuickCheck
Testing framework