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Showing entries 51601-51700 out of 52683.
Explorer for coc.nvim
Flutter support for (Neo)vim
Git extension for coc.nvim
Gopls extension for coc
Haxe language server extension for coc.nvim
Highlight extension for coc.nvim
Html extension for coc.nvim
Java language extension for coc.nvim
Jest extension for coc.nvim
Json extension for coc.nvim
Basic list sources for coc.nvim
Grammar/spell checker using LanguageTool with support for LaTeX, Markdown, and others
Markdownlint extension for coc.nvim
Nginx-language-server extension for coc.nvim
Auto pair extension for coc.nvim
Prettier extension for coc.nvim
R language server extension for coc.nvim
Rust language support - code completion, Intellisense, refactoring, reformatting, errors, snippets
Rust-analyzer for Vim/Neovim, works as an extension with coc.nvim
Sh extension for coc
Smart find extension for coc.nvim
Snippets extension for coc.nvim
Ruby languageserver extension for coc.nvim, using solargraph
Spelling checker for source code
SQLFluff (A SQL linter and auto-formatter for Humans) extension for coc.nvim
Stylelint extension for coc.nvim
Lua extension using sumneko lua-language-server for coc.nvim
Tabnine extension for coc.nvim
TexLab extension for coc.nvim
Toml extension for coc.nvim
Javascript and typescript language features extension of coc.nvim
Ultisnips source for coc.nvim
Vue language server extension for coc.nvim using vetur
Vim language server extension for coc.nvim
Vimtex integration for coc.nvim
Wxml language server extension for coc.nvim
Yaml extension for coc.nvim
Yank extension for coc.nvim
🦥 Supercharge your Haskell experience in neovim!
A performant lsp progress status for Neovim
🦥 A dead simple lazy-loading Lua library for Neovim plugins
A lazy-loading library for neovim, inspired by, but different from, nvim-neorocks/lz.n
Auto load optional plugins via lua modules with lz.n
A simple OOP library for Lua
Modernity meets insane extensibility
Allow rocks.nvim to help configure your plugins
🌒 Neovim plugin management inspired by Cargo, powered by luarocks
Source plugin and ftdetect directories on the Neovim runtimepath
🦀 Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim!
An MPD client with vim-like key bindings
Interpreter for microcomputer-era BASIC
Extensible Records
Convert plain records to vinyl (and vice versa), generically
Utilities for working with OpenGL's GLSL shading language and vinyl records
Provide json instances automagically to vinyl types
Loeb's theorem for extensible records
Syntax sugar for vinyl records using overloaded labels
Initial project template from stack
Vinyl records utilities
Utilities for vinyl
Vectors for vinyl vectors
Virtual Haskell Environment builder
VisVisNix package
Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss
VisVis_1_0_0Nix package
Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss
Simple computation of visibility polygons
An XMMS2 client
Visualize the graph-rewrite steps of a Haskell program
Create a visual profile of a program's source code
Visualize CBN reduction
Profunctor optics via the profunctor representation theorem
Sound synthesis with SuperCollider
Open Sound Control encode/decode
Implementation of SuperCollider server specifications
Amazon Route53 DNS service plugin for the aws package
Pseudo terminal interaction with subprocesses
Provides access to Vkontakte social network via public API
vlsnodePackages.vlsNix package
Vue Language Server
vlsnodePackages.vue-language-serverNix package
Vue Language Server
vlsnodePackages_latest.vlsNix package
Vue Language Server
vlsnodePackages_latest.vue-language-serverNix package
Vue Language Server
Smaoin vocabulary definitions of the base framework
Phase vocoder
Phase vocoder for conduit-audio
Phase vocoder for Conduit
Phase vocoder for Dunai and Rhine
Upload audio files to voicebase to get a transcription
A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type
Reading of Vorbis comments from Ogg Vorbis files
Vowpal Wabbit utilities
Haskell bindings for libvoyeur
Vantage Point Trees
Priority queue based on vector
VRML parser and generator for Haskell
Bindings to VRPN
JSON language server
vscode-json-languageservernodePackages_latestNix package
JSON language server
Vector and Text utilities
Binding to the VTE library
Binding to the VTE library
A simple terminal UI library