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Showing entries 5101-5200 out of 54071.
Recursively manipulate and traverse filesystems as lazy rose trees
Flexible string substitution
Filterable request logging wai middleware
Allows to change the structure of the function output
Class of filtrable containers
Finite totally-ordered sets
finfinNix package
Nat and Fin: peano naturals and finite numbers
finfin_0_3_2Nix package
Nat and Fin: peano naturals and finite numbers
Finite sets of static size
Utility to add extra safety to monadic returns
Extensible pretty printing with semantic annotations and proportional fonts
Obtain quote data from
Obtain Treasury yield curve data
Find the clumpiness of labels in a tree
A file-finding conduit that allows user control over traversals
Initial project template from stack
Locate directory of original program
List http/html files
Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances
Implementation of priority search queues as finger trees
Generic finger-tree structure using type families
A better, more type-safe Enum
Flexible and easy deriving of type classes for finitary types
Prisms and Isos between finitary types
Finite ranges via types
Finite Fields
Arithmetic in finite fields
Operations and classification for finite semigroups
Types isomorphic to Fin, and Tables indexed by them
finite-typelitsfinite-typelitsNix package
A type inhabited by finitely many values, indexed by type-level naturals
finite-typelitsfinite-typelits_0_2_1_0Nix package
A type inhabited by finitely many values, indexed by type-level naturals
Finite categories and usual categorical constructions on them
Transform objects of the package FiniteCategories into graphs using GraphViz
A finite map implementation, derived from the paper: Efficient sets: a balancing act, S. Adams, Jo…
Constraint Solver for Finite Domains
Google Firebase Database SDK
A simple HTTP server framework
A simple example using Firefly
Wrapper for Google Firestore/Datastore API
First and Last generalized to return up to n values
First-class type families
First class typeclass instances
First class patterns and pattern matching, using type families
Defunctionalisation for Yhc Core
Grammar and typeclass for first order theories
A version of Prelude suitable for teaching
Calculates file-size frequency-distribution
FIT file decoder
fits-parsefits-parseNix package
Parse FITS files
fits-parsefits-parse_0_4_2Nix package
Parse FITS files
A library for reading and writing data files in the FITS data format
Refining property sets for testing Haskell programs
Program to manage the imports of a haskell module
Simple fix-expression parser
Gitit plugin: Turn some Haskell symbols into pretty math symbols
Fixes whitespace issues
Signed 15.16 precision fixed point arithmetic
Lists with statically known length based on non-empty package
A fixed length list type
Binary fixed-point arithmetic
Unbox instances for the fixed-point package
Vector-space instances for the fixed-point package
Fixed Precision Arithmetic
Fixed-size wrapper for StorableArray, providing a Storable instance
Pure Haskell library to repeat an action at a specific frequency
Generic vectors with statically known size
Binary instances for fixed-vector
Binary instances for fixed-vector
Cereal instances for fixed-vector
Library for working with product types generically
Fixed width subsets of an Int64/Word64
Fixed point, large word, and large int numerical representations (types and common class instances)
A fixed-precision real number type
Quick parsing of fixed-width data formats
A Haskell client for
File-backed recursive data structures
FIX (co)parser
Opininated testing framework for mtl style (spies, stubs, and mocks)
Uniplate-style generic traversals for optionally annotated fixed-point types
Data types as fixpoints
Some fixes to the time package
Functional Fizz/Buzz
FizzBuzz as a service
fkill-clinodePackagesNix package
Fabulously kill processes
fkill-clinodePackages_latestNix package
Fabulously kill processes
Complete high-level binding to libFLAC
Support for writing pictures into FLAC metadata blocks with JuicyPixels
Verify FLAC files ripped form CD using AccurateRip™
A simple flag type
FromDhall and ToDhall instances for flag
Applicative flag parsing
A template engine for HTML
FlameGraphs of profiling
Generate language learning flashcards from video
Principled and efficient bit-oriented binary serialization
Strict Maybe without space and indirection overhead
Painless general-purpose sampling
Flatten a latex multi-file latex document and remove all comments
Haskell implementation of the FlatBuffers protocol