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Showing entries 5201-5300 out of 54071.
flatparseflatparseNix package
High-performance parsing from strict bytestrings
flatparseflatparse_0_5_2_0Nix package
High-performance parsing from strict bytestrings
flayflayNix package
Work generically on your datatype without knowing its shape nor its contents
flayflay_0_5Nix package
Generic programming for higher-kinded types
fleek-clinodePackagesNix package
Fleek command line utilities
fleek-clinodePackages_latestNix package
Fleek command line utilities
Generate default function implementations for complex type classes
Flexible numeric parsers for real-world programming languages
Simple extension of Data
A configurable reimplementation of unlit
Flexible wrappers
SmallCheck (Serial) instances for flexiwrap
Work with durations of time using the Flick as the smallest unit
Haskell binding to the Flickr API
A parser for IGC files
Parsing of pilot tracklogs dumped as KML
Flink stateful functions SDK
Haskell bindings for the flint library for number theory
Examples for the Flint2 library
E.g. flip systemctl foo.service start does systemctl start foo.service
Variations on flip for multiple arguments
F-lite compiler, interpreter and libraries
Generate flow charts from your code base
C99 printf "%a" style formatting and parsing
FFI bindings for C _Float128
Bitwise accurate floating point conversion, and Unit of Lease Precision calculation
Read and write hexadecimal floating point numbers
Alternative faster String representations for Double and Float, String representations for more ge…
Wrapper for flock(2)
A flexible Haskell source code pretty printer
Write more understandable Haskell
More directional operators
Library and binary to generate sequence/flow diagrams from plain text source
Flowdock client library for Haskell
API integration with Flowdock
Flowdock REST API
Analyze 454 flowgrams (.SFF files)
Generalized Flow Locks Framework
Simulate 454 pyrosequencing
A layout spec language for memory managers implemented in Rust
FLTK bindings
FLTKHS demos
Fltkhs Fluid Demos
Fltkhs Fluid Examples
Fltkhs template project
A set of themed widgets that provides drop in replacements to the ones in FLTKHS
A structured logger for Fluentd (Haskell)
Conduit interface for fluent-logger
A simple web application as a online practice website for XDU SE 2017 fall SPM
The parser for fluffy to parsec the question bank in .docx type
Code-generated, Auto-versioned, & Smart Web APIs
Http Client addon for Fluid
Scotty server add-on for Fluid
Haskell bindings to FluidSynth
Concurrent bouded blocking queues optimized for flushing
A monoid for tracking changes
A set of computational morphology tools for Swedish diachronic lexicons
A Friendly Markup language without syntax
FoldMap lists
The Haskell FModEx raw API
Fields for Monadic Records library
A new formatting library
Adaptor for getting fmt to work with rio
ANSI terminal colors formatters for fmt library
A functional web framework
Extras for Fn, a functional web framework
Fnmatch C wrapper
A general abstraction for manipulating elements of container data structures
Tools for focusing in on locations within numbers
Lists with a focused element
Fold multiple events that happen in a given period of time
Regulate input traffic from conduit Source with Control
Functions to find out the indices of the elements in the Foldable structures
Foldable types with at least 1 element
foldable1-classes-compatfoldable1-classes-compatNix package
Compatibility package for the Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 type classes
foldable1-classes-compatfoldable1-classes-compat_0_1_1Nix package
Compatibility package for the Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 type classes
foldlfoldlNix package
Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds
foldlfoldl_1_4_18Nix package
Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds
Exception handling with FoldM
Incremental folds
Statistical functions from the statistics package implemented as Folds
Transducers for foldl folds
Attoparsec and foldl-transduce integration
Beautiful Folding
A playground of common folds for folds
Toolset for Folger Shakespeare Library's XML annotated plays
Haskell library to follow content published on any subject
Be notified when a file gets appended, solely with what was added
Follow Tweets anonymously
A first order logic library in Haskell
Simple Haskell bindings for Foma
A Font Awesome data type enumerating all icon classes
Basic4x6 font for OpenGL
Resolves font descriptions to font libraries, including ones installed on your freedesktop (Linux …
A true type file format loader
Paper soccer, an OpenGL game
Initial project template from stack
Functor, Monad, MonadPlus, etc for free
A library accelerates imperative style programming