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Showing entries 52201-52300 out of 54071.
Structure Editing Combinators
Library for a multi-way tree (rose tree), using Seq (finger tree) for forests
A collection of heaps and search trees
Transformer for Data
Visualization of computation decomposition trees
Lock free Treiber stack
Please see the README on GitHub at
A PostgreSQL Database Migrator
A PostgreSQL Database Migrator
Please see the README on GitHub at
Library for polling Tremulous servers
A simple trend Graph script
Trial Data Structure
Trial helper functions for optparse-applicative
Trial helper functions for tomland
Triangulation of polygons
trie-simpletrie-simpleNix package
Simple Map-based Trie
trie-simpletrie-simple_0_4_3Nix package
Simple Map-based Trie
Automatic type inference of generalized tries with Template Haskell
Various trie implementations in Haskell
A modern parser combinator library with convenient diagnostics
Trigger is a cross platform file system watcher for super fast build-and-restart workflows
A command-line tool for trimming whitespace
A utility for neat multiline string trimming
Search for, annotate and trim poly-A tail
TripleSec is a simple, triple-paranoid, symmetric encryption library
A very simple triple store
The trivial monad and comonad
Constraints that any type, resp
A library for tropical mathematics
A Tropical Geometry package for Haskell
Template Haskell hack to violate module abstractions
Audio file compressor-limiter
Haskell template code generator
An implementation of a trust chain
Typeclass for truthfulness of values
Generalized booleans and truthy values
ts-nodenodePackagesNix package
TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
ts-nodenodePackages_latestNix package
TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
A Transaction Framework for Web Applications
A Transaction Framework for Happstack
Hides duplicating channels when broadcasting
A Skip List Implementation in Software Transactional Memory (STM)
Thread-safe logging, with additional interleaving fuzz-testing
Real time TSP tour visualization
Parses U.S. federal Thrift Savings Plan PDF quarterly statements
BK-tree implementation
tsunnodePackagesNix package
TSUN: a repl for TypeScript Upgraded Node
tsunnodePackages_latestNix package
TSUN: a repl for TypeScript Upgraded Node
Interacts with tesseract to ease reading of RAW Japanese manga
Convert tsv to csv
Template tsv into SQL
An API binding Web.Spock to Database
This is task management tool for yourself, that inspired by scrum
Textual Type Classes
ttf2eotnodePackagesNix package
Convert TTF font to EOT
ttf2eotnodePackages_latestNix package
Convert TTF font to EOT
Extends hashtables so that entries added can be expired after a TTL
Things Tracker Network JSON Types
TheThingsNetwork client
Contention-free STM hash map
Typed Transformations of Typed Abstract Syntax
Working with files for the Tiptoi® pen
Write stream processing computations with side effects in a series of tubes
Interface to TUN/TAP drivers
A simple tun/tap library
Homogeneous tuples
Various functions on tuples
A package to append, sequence and fold items and tuples into new tuples
Extra instances for the typeclasses in the tuple-append package
Access tuple fields using record dot syntax
Enum instances for tuples where the digits increase with the same speed
Generic operations on tuples
Functions to convert between tuples and HLists
Stock FieldN combos and generators
Morph between tuples, or convert them from and to HLists
Various operations on n-ary tuples via GHC.Generics
Functions on n-ary tuples using generics-sop
Generate (non-recursive) utility functions for tuples of statically known size
Left Encode and friends from SHA-3's TupleHash
Functor, Applicative and Monad for n-ary tuples
Small monomorphic tuples
Wrappers for n-ary tuples with Traversable and Applicative/Monad instances
A simple simulator for Turing machines
A simple simulator for Turing machines
Plays music generated by Turing machines with 5 states and 2 symbols
An implementation of Turing Machine and Automaton
Haskell port of Deniz Yuret's Turkish deasciifier
Manage multiple turned-based sessions
Shifts scheduling tool
Shell programming, Haskell-style
Collection of command line options and parsers for these options
Tangible Values -- composable interfaces
Trailing Whitespace
Tiny web application framework for WAI
A library for incremental computing
An equational theorem prover