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Showing entries 52501-52600 out of 54071.
Unagi Chan IO-Streams
Unambiguous choice
Functional concurrency with unamb using a custom scheduler
Opinionated Haskell Interoperability
Generic support for programming with names and binders
Support for programming with names and binders using GHC Generics
Unification based on unbound-generics
Support for programming with names and binders using kind-generics
Unbounded thread delays and timeouts
Thread delays and timeouts using proper time units
All the standard sum types but strict and unboxed as possible
Self-optimizing unboxed sets using view patterns and data families
Fast unboxed references for ST and IO monad
A library for reference cells backed by unboxed-vectors
A newtype-friendly variant of unboxed vectors
Secure and resilient remote file storage utility
Customize uncaught exception handling
Manipulating numbers with inherent experimental/measurement uncertainty
A library which implements easy, concurrent and pretty logging
Unconditional jumps
Null constraint
Tiny package providing unescaping versions of show and print
IO without any non-error, synchronous exceptions
A wrapper around UnexceptionalIO using monad transformers
Unfixing and recursion schemes for data types with binders
Class of data structures that can be unfolded
An alternative to the Unfoldable typeclass
Make any action thread safe
Simplistic free monad with deriving through UndecidableInstances
Abstract GADTs from typelevel tags
Uni events
Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs
Posix utilities for the uniform workbench
Reactors for the uniform workbench
Graphs binding
Utilities for the uniform workbench
Construct and transform unicode characters
Haskell implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm
unicode-dataunicode-dataNix package
Access Unicode Character Database (UCD)
unicode-dataunicode-data_0_6_0Nix package
Access Unicode Character Database (UCD)
Unicode characters names and aliases
Parsers for Unicode Character Database (UCD) files
Unicode characters scripts
Unicode security mechanisms database
Unicode General Category Database
Unicode 3.2.0 character names
Unicode normalization using the ICU library
Unicode notation for some definitions in Prelude
Unicode 3.2.0 character properties
Print and show in unicode
Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
Unicode normalization
Functions to work with unicode blocks more convenient
Make writing in unicode easy
Haskell binding of Unidecode
Simple generic unification algorithms
Language server for unified
unified-language-servernodePackages_latestNix package
Language server for unified
Pointless functions and a simplistic zero and monoid
A convenient handling of command line arguments
Handling errors in the uniform framework
Uniform file handling operations
Uniform text based operations to call http
Uniform IO over files, network, anything
Handling of JSON and YAML in an uniform way
Convert a latex tex file to a pdf
Uniform pairs with class instances
Handling of some pandoc stuff
Uniform wrapper for shake
Manipulate and convert strings of characters uniformly and consistently
Time in the uniform framework
Uniform wrapper for watch
Uniform text based operations to call http
A uniform base to build apps on
A union-find/map data structure
Extensible type-safe unions
Union type that include radian angle and degree angle
Unify verious color formats
Efficient union and equivalence testing of sets
Union find data structure
Heterogeneous map by open unions
Union mount filesystem paths into Haskell datastructures
Helpers which allow safe partial pattern matching in lambdas
Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations
UniProt-KB format parser
Fully concurrent unique identifiers
It provides the functionality like unix "uniq" utility
Esoteric programming language where each number can only appear once
Solve simple simultaneous equations
Solve simple simultaneous equations
Splittable Unique Identifier Supply
Please see the README on Github at
Can be used to produce the 'uniquenessPeriods' function and related functionality
Can be used to produce the similar to 'String
Generalization of the uniqueness-periods and uniqueness-periods-general packages functionality
Generalization of the dobutokO-poetry-general package functionality
Usage examples for the uniqueness-periods-vector series of packages
A library allows to change the structure of the 'RealFrac' function output